Extra~When I Met Him

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"Miss. Sakura!! Get to your room, or you'll never recover. You have got to stop running around every time I come visit!" My doctor ordered angrily. I stuck my tongue out and scrammed towards the halls of the hospital. I just couldn't stand staying in my room so much anymore. I need to be free! The air was starting to taste bitter and sour. I had to explore a  little more. How could anyone stand being in a room so long? I've been here for almost three years!

"I have a request!" I yelled back behind me as I ran with my white slippers. I was glad enough that I didn't have to wear the hospital clothes anymore. I was a regular patient here and everyone knew me, what was the point of me wearing clothes? I wasn't going to heal anytime soon. So I decided I'd cherish life to the fullest.

"What request is that?" She muttered coldly. She was getting annoyed, chasing me every time now since a month ago when she started therapy with me. I wasn't going to get better so they had assigned me a new doctor, one that could be with me always. But I just wasn't having fun with her plus she was too strict and she never smiled. She only did it for the money.

It made me so gloomy in the hospital.

"I want someone that is willing to help me at all times without complaint. I don't want someone who argues about what will help me heal. I won't heal with you nagging me to come back inside. Can't you tell that I'm unhappy there?" I frowned as I came to a dead end.

I thought I had memorized this maze of a hospital.

"Is that so, then I quit." She rolled her eyes and turned her back. My hand brushed my hair back. I didn't want her to continue to be miserable.

Even if I had fun when she cared enough to chase me.

I sighed and went back to my room. I was getting tired of the new doctors...

I didn't need doctors. I had friends and one of them I had called gramps. He reminded me of my Jicchan who died a couple of years ago. It made me happy when he asked me to call him that after I had told him my story about my family. Of course he wouldn't replace him but he would take the place of caring for me instead. He watched over me and occasionally visited me inside the hospital. He was a regular patient too. He had poor lungs and had to be watched constantly.

I decided to carefully watch over him too. He was my friend and the only one besides Ruka who rarely but surely did visited me from time to time.

Since I had only but a few friends at all, I decided to trust someone into caring for me. Gramps had come down with a failing lung and had to have surgery. He could no longer remind me of taking my pills any more. I had to have someone to watch me and take me to the mall inside the hospital.

It was a good thing that my mom had money left over for me in my bank account.

"What are you smiling about?" A voice came from behind me. I was currently placing fliers around the hospital walls. Since I couldn't go outside of the hospital, I was allowed to place them around the building instead.

It was my childhood friend, Ruka. He turned his head and stared at me with his ocean blue eyes. I always did love those eyes of his because they reminded me of the outside world. I rarely got out so it brought relief whenever I saw them.

"Ruka..." I smiled. He got a little taller since I saw him last. It made me a little sad. I recalled always having been taller than him since we were kids. He was like my little brother, but now our roles were reversed. He took care of me and encouraged me to get better. He even gets angry when I go on missions. "I missed you." I pressed my head against his chest. It made me feel better whenever he was here.

He was the only thing left from my past.

"Eh?" He blushed as he held my back carefully. "I came here a week ago. Anyways... why are you putting up fliers?"

When I Met You(Gakuen Alice fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon