Prologue: The Beginning

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Sorry...if this doesn't seem interesting, but please continue to read and enjoy my writing.



[Seoul, South Korea]

"Where did she disappear to?"  Chang asks his friend Ku Ching.

"I don't know she said to meet her at noon under the bridge, but it was Keng's wedding, so by the time I got there she was gone. All that was there was a box of with her Mentos and love notes and on top of the box was a note saying she will come back when things calms down," Ku Ching replies.

Suddenly the door flies open and Keng runs in, slamming the door shut asking, "Well, what did I miss? I was trying to get away from the celebration as fast as I could, but you know your sister."  Looking at Chang as he says, "She wouldn't let me go."

"You didn't miss anything that we don't know," Chang replies as he rubs his hands over his face.

"What do you mean?" Keng asks.

"Well, like I was telling Chang, she disappeared," Ku Ching explains. As Ku Ching repeats himself, Keng and Chang sat down.

"Man, doesn't anyone know where to find her?" Keng asks.

"Nope, all we know was that she was studying abroad here and that she comes from somewhere in the states maybe," Chang says, than with a puzzle look asks, "Or was it Canada?"

"I guess all we can do is wait for her to come back," Ku Ching says.

"Hopefully it is soon, than we can clear all this up," Keng says.

~Knock Knock~

All three men turn toward the door, "Come in," Chang says.

The door opens and his wife Chao walks in, "Hey, you're all missing the party,"

"We're coming now we were just discussing something," Chang replies to his wife as he walks to her.

"Is it important?" Chao asks curiously.

"Not to you but it is for us," Ku Ching says.

"Do you need my help?" Chao asks, looking concern.

"I don't think you should trouble yourself, especially in your condition. You should be taking care of yourself and our nephew," Keng says.

"Ha...ha...okay, if you say so," Chao says, as she rubs her pregnant stomach.

[Toronto, Canada – six and a half months later in Toronto general hospital]

"Ahhh..." Pearl screams as she tries to push her baby out of her into the world. All she could think of was 'please let my child be okay'.

"Nurse," she pants. The nurse wiping her brow looks up and gives the look saying yes.

"Please contact Chow Lui of LC enterprise, and tell him Pearl needs him," she grunts out in between her contractions. The nurse nods and walks out of the room.

[20 minutes passes]

The door flies open and an handsome looking older gentleman walks into the room with powerful strides, and behind him was two young women that looks a little bit older than Pearl, one holding the hand of a young boy that look to be about the age of 2yrs. Pearl open her eyes and she puts on a weak smile, and says, "Father."

"Don't say anything," Mr. Lui says, as he turns to the doctor that was rushing in to see what he wanted, "What is wrong with my daughter?" he asks the doctor.

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