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"Wake up!" I heard a voice in my ear.

"Bobby, why did you wake me up?!" I loudly whispered.

"Because it's morning," He smiled as he went to the dinning room. Christina and Chelsea were still sleeping. Geesh, I can't believe what happened last night.


"Lexi?!" Chelsea exclaimed.

"What are you doing here?!" I said as I approached to the door.

"I-I came to tell you something, Tiffany," Lexi stuttered.

"Go on," I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms and tapped my foot.

"Well, first, I would like to apologize for being so rude. All I cared about was just myself."

"Clearly," Christina mumbled as she approached to us.

"Second, I broke up with Ethan. I did see you two kiss on air at school. I just lied. And that conversation between me and Ethan when I said something about my parents, well, Ethan didn't hang up and I heard everything. I realized I don't like him as much as you do. So I called him back and I broke up with him," She sighed.

I was speechless. What do I say what do I do?

"Um, thank you? But I hate him right now," I said.

"Tiffany, I know he has made some mistakes, but you know him better than I do. Even my dad knows him so well. Just please think about it." She looked cold and wet from the rain outside. She had a black scarf wrapped around her head, some jeans, and black leather boots. She looked scared.

"Are you okay, Lexi?" Chelsea asked her. She was breathing heavily.

"I-I....Can I stay here for a bit?" Lexi asked.

Before I could speak, Chelsea spoke up.

"Yes, but you have to explain why you are acting so weird!"

"Well," She sighed, "Have a secret. No one knows about it except my family."

"Well, what is it?" Christina blurted.

"About 3 years ago, I found out that my parents adopted me. So, I decided to find out who my biological parents were. And Anne and David are my biological parents."

"Wait, when your you born?"

"March 27th, 1999 at 4:12 am."

I was born March 27th, 1999 at 4:07. Tristan was born March 27th, 1999 at 4:01 am.

"Wait, so that means, me, Tristan and you are..." I slowly stopped.


"Triplets.." I sighed, "Triplets?! How could you keep this from everyone?! Especially me, David and Anne!? Plus, Tristan if he was still here today!"

"Tiffany, I'm sorry. After I found out, I felt alone because I felt like no one wanted me. I get that Anne left you and Tyler, but geesh Tiffany how would of you felt if you found out you were adopted?"

"She does have a point, Tiffany. Since I was adopted, I always wondered what happened to my biological parents," Chelsea's whispered.

"Apparently, Anne didn't want triplets so she got rid of one, which was me, and I have been with the Barker's ever since. I found out my real name was suppose to be Tori Peterson, but when the Barker's adopted me, they changed my name to Alexandra Barker."

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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