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I left a note for my mom and John that I wasn't going to move back in and I would stay with Chelsea until this summer. Then I could move in with David this summer. I haven't told anyone that I would be moving in with him yet and that's because I have to talk to David. I am sure he would let me. After I got ready for school, I decided to call David to make sure it was alright.

"David? It's Tiffany."

"Hey, sweetheart. How's it going?"

"Alright. I was wondering if it is alright that I can move in with you this summer?"

"Ah, gee, I don't know, Tiffany, you would have to ask your-" I interrupted him.

"No. I am not talking to mom. Please just for the summer?"

He sighed.

"Fine. But I will be busy this summer with a new movie, so I am not round much. You would just have to hang out with the boys."

"Thank you!" I screamed as I hung up on him. I rushed and grabbed my backpack. I ran out of the house with Chelsea and got into Ethan's car.

No one talked on the way to school because it was so awkward.


By lunch, I had to go in for the school boardcast. This boardcast was going to be awkward. Chelsea was doing Ethan's make-up. I still don't get why they do that. James waved me and Ethan over so he could talk to us.

"Great news!" He exclaimed.

"We are fired?" Ethan rolled his eyes and mumbled.

"No. The ratings were awesome last week. You two fighting, made the ratings go up. So whatever you did last week, do it today."

"James, we are not going to do that," I spoke up.

"I agree. We are not going to do that," Ethan said.

"Why not?"

"Because...we aren't exactly getting along," Ethan said.

"That's my point then the ratings will go up!"

"No, James, what he means is we are not exactly in talking terms," I explained.

"Whatever. Your on in 30 seconds."

We went over to go sit in the chairs. This was going to be awkward.

"Hello, Martinville High, I'm your host, Ethan Fisher."

"And I'm Tiffany Peterson."

"Today if you would like to audition for the school play, please sign up in front of the theater," he said.

"Make sure to pay for our yearbook in the main office before the end of the school year."

"Here is Lexi Barker with Sports."

It went off air, and James gave us both a glare. I looked over at Ethan and he just didn't look at me.

"Ethan?" I whispered.


"I am going to ask again like before, why did you kiss me?"

No answer.

"Fisher, I need answers sometime. You just can't leave me-" He kisses me again. This had to be like 20 second long kiss. He let's go and stares at me.

"Ethan, just sto-" And he kisses me again! What is wrong with him? He let' go and stares at me again. "Ethan, we are on air."

"Oh, no, Lexi," he whispered and ran off. I faked smiled.

"Well, um that is all for today. Have a great day, Martinville."

A Little Bit Of Sweet & Sour (Watty's 2016)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin