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The boy, without bothering to even pull out a weapon, raised his hand. He pushed the scythe just barely off course and it embedded itself in the ground, harmlessly.

"You must have misunderstood what I said, child. I said you need to remember your place. You know not of my age, power, or strength. Yet, you still intend to attempt to kill me? And you thought your children were stupid for trying to overthrow you. You are not worthy to sit on a throne."

The boy's hand shot out faster than anyone could see. In a spurt of gold, Kronos' heart beat in his hand. Kronos' eyes bulged. The boy was quick, and strong enough to punch through armor that no one had been able to even scratch before, not even his own scythe could.

The Titan King fell over as this last thought blew through his mind. The three sons that lay behind the boy got up. They grabbed the scythe their father wielded and proceeded to chop him into pieces.

"Like father, like son."

The three looked at him. Zeus spoke up, "What do you mean?"

"Kronos chopped his own father up with that scythe that my aunt made. As he, Ouranos, lay dying, he said the same thing would happen to Kronos by his own children's hands."

Zeus' eyes were wide. "You must be ancient!"

The boy grinned. "No, I am really no older than you. My mother taught me all of the history of us gods. My brothers and sisters told me of the humans and animals and plants."

Zeus looked at the boy. He was powerful, and he knew, even at their strongest with Hestia fighting, they stood no chance in fighting this boy who was the same age as him.

"What is your name boy?"

The posture went from easy to tense. "Hades, be careful whom you call boy. I may be physically younger than you, but there is no one on this planet that could defeat me. The lot of you working with the Titans couldn't do it."

Hades backed up a second and then replied. "I'm sorry for the disrespect. What is your name?"

The boy nodded. "I am Perseus, Son of Nyx, Primordial of the Void."

They all stared in awe at them until the other Titan's seemed to realize what happened and snapped out of their stupor. They roared and charged. Perseus raised a hand and black energy pooled in his palm and shot out, hitting each of the Titans. They all collapsed, shocked at the power of this child. They died unaware they challenged the Ruler of the Void.

Zeus looked warily at Perseus now that he had seen more of the son of Nyx's power. "Perseus, we intend to take up rule over this land and make a council that allows a more equal rule."

Perseus nodded, knowing this would happen. "From what my sister told me, Zeus will be king, and the rest of you will be on the council. Hestia and Hades will be removed when new members need places, and then, a child of Poseidon will come along and return to them their places. You will keep a twelve Olympian council until then. This boy will be offered godhood not once, but twice. He will refuse it the first time. The second, when Zeus offers his daughter immortality, they will accept together."

All the children of Kronos were stunned by the knowledge of the boy. Then he looked right at Zeus, "But beware your greed and desire of power. I have no intentions of fighting with any of you, but neither do I intend to let you corrupt this world in a way that does not provide a better future. You, Zeus, have the greed and power hungriness that your father did. Hades, you have his anger and inability to let go of anything you think slights you. Poseidon, you are an anomaly to me. It seems that you are both capable of great anger and great love. Take care that you don't let either run rampant too much. There is someone you will believe that you hate because of a petty argument. When your future wife betrays you, you will find comfort in this woman's arms much to both of your surprise."

"Perseus, what do you intend to do?"

"I do not know. I am here because I have a feeling that because of you Olympians, there will come someone that I am destined to meet. I do not know of whom it is. I am not able to see my own future in my sisters cauldron, nor in my nieces' weaving. So, I will just go off my own feelings."

They all nodded.

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