The start of a quest.

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  Helen P.O.V

    I was hanging out with Connor when I needed to get something from the Hades Cabin. So I went and spotted a letter. 

        Dear Helen Solace,

         If you want to see your mother again then come to Alaska.

            Do not tell anyone . Just come if you want to see them again. 

                   -From the sea's enemy

  I look at the note in confusion, the sea's enemy? But anyways if my mom is in trouble... I nod. I will go to Alaska! I went to Connor and said, "I'm sorry Connor but I have to do something." Connor nod and hugged me good bye. I then ran to the Hades cabin and grabbed my back pack. I then packed my toothbrush and some tooth paste, a blue wind breaker jacket, a extra set of clothes, a tall white plastic water bottle full of water, a pouch full of drachmas (a gift from Connor). I then went out to the camp store and switched 10 drachmas for $100 in twenties and fives. I then placed the money with the pouch full of drachmas. I then wore a grey jacket, jeans, and a camp shirt with my hair tied. Also wore my running shoes and white socks. I then waited until it was night time. Right when it was midnight I sneaked out of the cabin. Nico was sleeping. I then made a mad dash to the borders when I slamed into a person. The person was wearing a light grey sweater, sneakers and blue jeans with the hood on. He had a back pack and a flashlight. Oh I forgot a flashlight! Anyways that wasn't my main problem right now. "Helen?" Wait a second, that voice is like, "Will?" He took off his hood and it was Will. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. 

"What about you?" 

"Well, I'm in a mission."

"me too." 

We stared at each other, wait did Will get a note too? Will seemed to have the same thing in his head because both of us took out the note in the same time. "This is my proof." We switched notes and read them. 

   Dear Will Solace,

If you want to see your mother again then come to Alaska.

Do not tell anyone . Just come if you want to see them again.

-From the sea's enemy 

 His note was the same as mine! " Well, she is our mother after all." Will responded. 

I nod and Will said, " Let's leave before the Harpies see us." I nod and both of us ran pass the border. After a few meters away from camp we stopped. " So, Helen what did you bring?" I told him what I brought and he said what he brought. "Well I brought my tooth brush and toothpaste, some drachmas, $20, a bag full of amborisha and a canteen full of necter, my medical bag, a yellow plastic water bottle that is full, a scarf, a thick padded jacket, extra set of clothes, and a flash light." I had to say, he was a bit more prepared for this. "We need for to mom's house just in case it's a trick and also because we need more suppiles there." Will seemed to agree but then asked, "How are we going there?" I winked and held on his hand and shadow traveled to our house. But I was really tired so I fainted. 

"Helen wake up." Will shook my shoulder. I woke up in a start. "WHEN WAS I OUT!?!?" I screamed out. Will calmed me down and said, " It's only dawn don't worry." Will seemed to also slept. I got up and dashed into my room. That's where I grabbed my flashlight, $50 from my piggy bank, a scarf, some extra clothes, a thin jacket. I lend Will some of my clothes that seemed to fit him. I then went into the kitchen where I took a load of food. A loaf of bread, 4 apples, 5 pieces of beef jerkey, a package of nuts, all 25 large cookies (Because I'm Helen.) Will took some extra water bottles and a roll of paper towels. We then left the house. Mom wasn't in the the house so there was a better chance that the letter was true.  Will held on my hand and we looked at each other. Then we started our quest to save our mom. 

Life With 4 Over Protected Brothers In CAMP HALF BLOOD!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن