to | act i

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d o n t   e v e n   s t a r t | act i

d o n t   e v e n   s t a r t | act i

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dear fred,

school is approaching again. i'm gonna be a sixth year this time and woohoo a year before newts (can you detect my excitement?).

im really not excited for this year. considering my brother is going to graduate this year and after i'll have to graduate too and actually do something for a living.

but the biggest reason why im not excited is because i get to see you. you and your fucking silly smile and when you fucking look at me in the eye in the hallways i just see the mischievous glint in your eyes that say trouble.

my brother told me tons and tons of times to never associate myself with any of the weasley twins because all they were was trouble. I told him "in the first place why would they associate themselves with a lowlife hufflepuff who is literally the epitome of boring?" and he got quiet after that and said "but hey you always have cedric diggory right?" and i rolled my eyes at him and pushed him into our family pool.

it was never my intentions to like you for a  minute and then the next minute you made a joke with jordan lee in the hallways and after that i just fell for you, okay? It was never in my fucking intentions to fucking just fall head first in love with you. (that was exaggerated im sorry)

but maybe its not love, but maybe it is. we may never know.

(unless i grow a pair of balls and actually talk to you and get to know you)

((but since that's scientifically impossible i can grow them in my mind?))

(((im sorry that sounds wrong im weird)))

yours truly,
august scamander

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