Phoenix's game

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I should have just stopped already :|

"Hey, Phoenix? I have an idea." "What kind of idea?" After that short period of ticklish fun, Phoenix got excited, hoping Adam meant even more of it. "Why don't we do a bit of a game?" "What kind of game?" Phoenix giggled excitedly. "You know the ice bath-cold shower challenge thing? We could do that... but... with... tickling!" At that word, Adam lunged an attack on Phoenix's sensitive belly. "HAhahahaha! Ahahahadam! NOHOHOHO!" Adam stopped and hugged the giggling boy over his arms so he couldn't retaliate.

"Do you want to?" "Sure!" Phoenix led Adam quickly to his bedroom. He looked around and when he found some, he threw two lengths of rope on the bed. "You're excited?" "Of course- I get to tickle you," Phoenix giggles in response. He leaps onto his bed and tears off his shirt, and after a moment's hesitation, does the same with his pants. Adam just stared. He was mesmerized by the adorable, skinny yet muscular body displayed to him. He sat nervously beside Phoenix and used one finger to lightly trace the boy's faint six-pack. "Heeheehee Adam! Adam nooo! It- tickles!" When Adam was finally aware of everything other than his crush's bare chest, he slowly took one length of rope to tie Phoenix's arms to the bedposts, and did the same with his feet. Phoenix was in the shape of an X, his favorite, he thought., as he couldn't protect himself.

"So, how long do you think a wrong answer should be answered to for?" "Umm, three minutes?" "Uh..." "Four?" "Um..." "Okay, five." Phoenix knew Adam wasn't hesitating to ask for longer, but he wanted to be tickled by him for as long as he could stand, and more, although he knew that wouldn't happen any time soon. Adam was too sweet and kind for the merciless torture he desired.

"I-I was thinking more like... like, one minute." "Well you're smarter than me, so it's five for you. If you want to do that then fine." "W-what? I-I, um..." Phoenix giggles happily at the adorably shy boy, and is ever-so-glad he was tied up, as he would not have been able to resist kissing him.

"One more rule I think you'll be happy about too: no armpits, no feet for this." "That, um, that seems fair." Adam was relieved. His armpits were extremely ticklish, and he wouldn't have been able to stand five minutes there at a time. "Everywhere else is fair game though," Phoenix winked.

"Are you ready?" "Hell yeah." Adam retrieved his phone and rested one hand on his mate's belly. Phoenix had to bite his lip to avoid letting out premature giggles. "Ready?" "Go for it." Adam gently rubbed his friend's soft belly as he read a fact for Phoenix to state as true or false. "If you lift a kangaroo's tail it cannot hop." Through the ticklish sensation Phoenix tried to think. "Um... False! False." "Too bad, it was true." "What? How?" "I don't know, but it is."

Adam set a timer for two minutes on his phone. "Ready?" Phoenix braced himself and nodded. He started to giggle the second Adam touched his sides. Adam's fingers made light spidering movements along his friend's belly and sides, causing full-on laughter already. "Hahahahaheeheeheeheeha! Ahahahadam that tickles!" "Do you like this?" Adam teased. "Yehehehess! Heeheeheeheehaaahahaha! It tihihihickles!"

After the two minute timer went off Adam's ticklish assault returned to a light stroke. "Okay, how many calories do you consume when you lick a stamp?" "Uhuhuhumm... T-two! One?" "Which is your answer?" "Umm one?" "One tenth." "Fuuhuhuhuck." The assault started all over again.

That time Adam had focused more on Phoenix's ribs, which helped tire him out quicker. He answered two more questions wrong, earning him sessions on his thighs and belly button. "It's not looking too good for you. True or false: Pinocchio saying 'my nose will grow' is a paradox." "A (hehe) paradox? What is that? Wait- true! True!" Phoenix screamed his answer. Adam had found a very sensitive area on the boy's hips to tease while asking a previous question, and it was driving him mad.
"Correct. But before I untie you..." Adam hovers over his friend's belly and takes a deep breath. He blows a large raspberry right over the navel. "AAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHOHAHAHA! AHAHAHADAM STOP IT!" Adam unties his friend with reluctance, and Phoenix wastes no time in pinning him. "I'm going to have so much fun with you."

Birthday (bxb warning)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon