My Hot Mechanic 23

Start from the beginning

“What no, why in the world would you say that!” He let go of my hand

“Then why are you trying to change my mind?” He sat in silence for what seemed an eternity

“I know what she will do. I know how bad shes made it for some girls. I don’t want you going though that.”

“So your worried what Krissy will do! Unbelievable! Here I was thinking it was about me you were worried about” I got up I was tired of this conversation and of his presence

“Why cant you just listen for once! Im saying this for you!”

“No your saving yourself!” I was out the door before he could reply.

I felt guilty but it was his fault how dare he. Krissy was a problem but she wasn’t a threat. I was more than willing to fight her if I had to, I was more than ready to fight Andre about his true feelings about her. I was going to be doing a lot of fighting, especially with myself.

The worst part about second semester was no classes with Andre. Truly it would help me if we had one class together so I could see how to handle this situation if he was truly honest or really saving himself. See I knew he was honest the only conversation I heard was about Eric and the other guys. No one talked about Andre just to say how indifferent he was now.

Guilt was the worst because maybe I was over-reacting but this Guy was the Jerk of them all, how could I fall for a Guy like him? Everything in me repealed him once upon a time but here I was wasting my time thinking about him and in a relationship with him. Times had truly changed.

I had to take a stand I had to show him and everyone that I didn't care, no one knew me. There wasn't any dirt on me except that I had a fight and I was notorious for beating Eric and Andre back when we were younger. No one knew my secrets I had no close friends, It was either do this or I was stuck forever. I wish I had the confidence to do this, all I could do was look at the clock as speed up till the lunch bell rang.

Now or never I kept repeating as I walked out the bathroom.

I was so close to turning around running to shop class, that's were I belonged not here. The quad wasn't were I was welcomed. The tables were full

The popular, the athletic, the cool kids, the gossipers, the fashionable and cheerleaders. I was none of that.

How was I suppose to show them I ruled myself that they didn't controlled me. That I didn't care about the eyes on me. My palms were sweaty, my hands slightly shaking and my stomach was hurting. I had to detour to the vending machine on the side of the quad. I didn't make eye contact I didn't try searching for him I need to finish this myself but I needed food before I threw up. I wasn't completely ready.

Now or never. You can do this Keisha you beat up football players for a living. Your better than them all. I repeated over and over as I munched as fast as I could on a bag of hot chips. I nearly chocked on the Gatorade as I tried to drink it fast. This wasn't my brightest moment. I needed courage. I needed a miracle!


Andre POV

Not only did we have our first true argument. I wasn’t going to apologize about it. I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't try to text her, I didn't try to find her this morning I was just going to wait it out. It wasn't my fault.

I should of known that doing that would be bad, but of course this would be the last thing I would expect to happen.

“Do you see that?” Joel pointed out to Matthew


“There in the white tank walking near the fashion club”

“Oh yeah. Who's that?”

“I don't know she's looks hot” That statement caught my attention immediately

I started trying to see what they were talking about and nearly had a heart attack,

She was serious, no joking and she was going to let everyone know. I didn't know if I should be Happy or not. This was it. Let everyone know or run fast as possible. And pray she doesn't find me.

Stupid Andre, Run? How could that even pop into your head. This was the girl that was worth all the trouble, and she was about to start causing a lot if she didn’t find someone she knew soon.

One think Matthew was right about, she looked hot. Only girls with the right body could pull this off, A white tank top, off blue denim jeans with tears on the thighs. She yelled don’t fuck with me in dangerous but she also yelled in inviting if you want to hit on me. I had a big dilemma, people were starting to notice her, someone was bound to approach her but I don’t even think she noticed as she raced towards the soda machine. What?

This was my chance, she had her back turned, her hair was moving with the light breeze today. There wasn’t no curls it just hung long and straight. I couldn’t resist I ran my hands though her hair as I wrapped my arm around her. The muscles in her shoulder tensed a second before she relaxed.

“What are you doing?” I whisper

“Im getting something to drink” She shakes the bottle in her hand

“Of course you choose to come way on this side for something to drink.” She slips from under my arm and turns to face me and scowls.

“Look I told you. I don’t care about no stupid Krissy. So if you don’t want this, this is your time to say it” All I could do was grin, her fire, her rage it was the reason why I liked her. I couldn’t let this stop me from my happiness.

I grabber her chin and kissed her mouth before she could add something to her statement. We pulled apart, me grinning her rolling her eyes. This was how it was suppose to be, I throw my arm around her and turn to walk back to my friends.

Eric POV

Not only did he walk over to her, but he kissed her. The feeling of defeat was hard, how was I suppose to smile and act happy for my best friend when he just kissed the girl I liked. They sat across from me, his seeped of confidence he was too smug. I just wanted to launch myself over the table.

“So you too” It was all I could manage as my eyes feel on Keisha. She was smiling but I could see the doubt the hesitation she had. Our eyes met and they pleaded with me, pleaded that I didn’t make this any more difficult than it should be.

Why? I frowned at her slightly. This was a silent conversation no one was noticing since Andre was running his mouth again. Her eyes flicked up towards him and she smiled.

I shook my head, no fair I like you too. She looked down towards the table and our conversation was done.

“Keisha!” Andre pushed against her with his shoulder, she head snapped up “Daydreaming again?”

“Um yeah. What did you say?”

“They don’t believe you fix cars” Her eyes got wide and she took a deep breath

“Yeah, I drive the black camaro” Mostly everyone looked shocked. I was too, who knew it was her car it was a beauty just like its owner.

“So, if I need my car fixed all I have to do is find you?” Joel grinned.

“Yeah, but I charge. I don’t work for free” Everyone laughed

What Andre didn’t know was Keisha talent for cars was about to make dating her publicly a harder task than it seemed.

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