My Hot Mechanic 17

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“There’s no ways we could just be friends” She sighed and put her hand on her hip

“What are you trying to say Keisha?”

“What im saying is we” She waved her hand between us “Are beyond friends if we were suppose to be friends that would of happened but instead we got a bunch of unwanted attention and drama.”

“Why the hell are you so complicated? This is so easy I like you I know you like me I don’t care how hard you put up a fight its true.”

We locked eyes because I knew that what she was trying to tell me but she couldn’t say it, I knew I was going to have to be the aggressive person in this.

“No matter how easy it is for you it will always be a million times harder for me” She looked away from me.

“That’s not true. I don’t want it to be hard, ill work with you but you HAVE to met me halfway”

“Fine” She mumbled something under her breath but I was too hyped to bothers.

“So are you coming with me or not?”


Keisha POV

How the hell did I get into this situation? I just wanted to apologize and ended up silently confessing that I liked Andre. This was unfair, but of course my life was unfair.

Here I was sitting in my car, Andre in his outside my house waiting for me to get in his so we could go grocery shopping. To him this seemed harmless but to me this was putting a sigh on my back that yelled Im back come make my life chaotic!

So I dragged my feet while walking to his car he just sat patiently with me. I didn’t have to change I just had to act like I cared and he was happy which made me happy. Eww that felt weird.

“Thank you for finally coming I thought I was going to have to come get you” He grinned his cute smile at me.

“I was thinking about running to my house and locking you out but you a football player I didn’t want to get tackled”

“You know about that?” He looked shocked

“Yeah. Im not that antisocial.” He nodded, I knew he knew I had more to say “ But You know I cant go with you shopping”

“I knew you would say something like that, but like I said as long as you met me halfway im willing to work with you” He flashed his smile at me once more and I felt my body temperature rising.

“Okay just stop smiling at me your making me uncomfortable” I wished I could fan myself or slash some cold water on me.

“You uncomfortable, never thought I heard that in the same sentence” He laughed “But whats my smile doing to you?” He turned his body towards me

“Its too friendly. I shouldn’t be getting all this attention from me” It was horribly true

“You should, you deserve it. So now back to our problem, you don’t want to be seen in public with me but I want to spend some time with you. Wheres the middle ground?”

“We keep it a secret from everyone, We meet in secret and we keep it that way until” I wanted to say until I knew you wouldn’t break my heart but instead “We both agree theres no use to hiding it anymore”

We sat in silence for a while, I didn’t mind I knew what I just offered was crazy but it didn’t matter I was meeting him halfway and that as far as I go.

“Fine, but im pulling you out of classes, im going to sneak up on you in shop and Im taking you out on dates” I tried to cut in but he put his hand up “Not to the movies unless you coincidently end up there by yourself and im there too. Its ways around this just know that.” He grinned at me

“You evil you know that” I cut my eyes at him

“Your more evil. So are you sure you don’t want to come with me im sure everyone’s still at school” I shook my head until my hair was in my face

“Ill pass”

I got out the car, when I turned around to say bye he wasn’t in the driver seat he walked up to me with his arms out.

“What are you doing?” I frowned at him

“Im pretty sure you’ve been hugged before”

“Uh yeah, but you might have cooties” He rolled his hazel eyes at me and pulled me into him. I was crushed against his hard chest, he smelled of cologne then something in me reacted to him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and breathed him in deeply. I guess the true girly girl in me needed that because I felt for the first time that life was going to treat me fair.

Andre POV’

I had her!

The entire time I drove back to my house I kept repeating that. I had her. That greatest part was this was just as new to me because Keisha wasn’t like any girl I knew this was going to be a struggle and I knew it would hard. I welcomed hard I was tired of all the easiness that came my way.


Yay I know Yall happy I chose A I am too. I got tons of Drama ready for yall!!!!

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