half a heart

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chapter 5.                                   cuts

                  after David left star went down in to a deep hole and was not even trying to get out of it the first night he left she was OK but as the days go by she gets whose. so two weeks after David left she could not get out of bed it was so bad to were she got the raise blade out of her locket and went across her arm over and over again at that moment she know she can't stop it felt so good and it look so pretty and every cut she made she said out loud why she was making them.

    stars point of view

           the first one is for David the second one is for Alicia the third one is for me.

from that point on she keep going and adding a new cut for every day David is gone. and for every day Alicia didn't talk to her she then know no one and nothing can stop her now  her older brother know something was wrong because star is acting different she was acting like she was then she first started cutting her self .

      Jeff's point of view

                 star are you cutting again and don't lie to me I know how you act when you are so please tell me the truth.

      stars point of view

               Jeff I am so sorry.

as star turns around with the blade in her hand going across her arm. at that moment star fell to the ground Jeffrey caught  her before she fell on the ground he sate there as she was bleeding calling there mom in to stars room.

   stars point of view

      as I dropped the blade I can feel the blood coming out of my arm

flowing I am fading fast I can here almost everything around me as I slowly black out I see that I am falling to the ground last last thing I remember besides waking up in the hospital as my eyes are opening it  is really blurry but my eyes adjusted to the light.  as I go to site up I here a very familiar your voice it was it was David .

David's point of view

I site there waiting  for star to wake up all I can think about is this is I did this to her I can't believe it as star try to get up I go an help "here let me help up."  as I am helping here up I can see that she is an pain yet she is a little happy now "what were you thinking star you could have die if it weren't for Jeff you would be gone so would never be able to see you.

Star's point of view

As I sit her an here David asking what I was thanking all I could say was "the only thing I was thinking of was I just lost my best friend an the love of my life an I had nothing left people at school seen my scars an I can here them talking about them an me I would walk to my locker an people Wright on it freak loser slut you should die I just couldn't handle it any more I am sorry." as I finish talking to David I here the door open it was Alicia "what are you doing here?"

Alicia point of view

As I walked in to star's room I here say she was sorry I go in an look at her she sits there looming back at me an then she says "what are you doing here? " I answer her "I am here for you your brother called me way are you doing this again?" I look at her an think please don't say it's because of me please don't say it please.

Star's point of view.

as Alicia ask me Why I was cutting again I looked at here an said "you I am cutting again because of you an David an every one at school OK That's Why I am sorry I did OK it just felt so good an as I seen the blood go down my arms. when I was done thing them Why I did it I just sat there looking at the two people who left me scared because I almost die no one said anything.

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