New Recruit

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Chief bogo: come in.

The door open and they see a dark gray wolf wearing jacket with black jeans and a pair of shoe. 'Good Morning Sir!' said the wolf.

Chief bogo: now,i introduce you very top cop in savana land,Rally Raymond.

Nick and judy stood up and have a shake hand with him

Judy: Im officer Judy Hoops,top cop in zootopia, nice to meet you.

Nick: Im wilde, Nick Wilde,assistant of the top cop in zootopia. Nice to meet you Rally.

Ray: just call me Ray. And nice to meet you too. Its my pleasure to help both of you to solve this case.

Nick & Judy: We too..

Chief Bogo: guys have known each take a look on this pictures

Chief Bogo put a files that are filled with pictures on table.
Nick,judy and ray take a seat and look at those photos.

Judy: who caught this photos?.

Chief Bogo: Officer wolffrod from undercover team.

Nick: nice caught.

Chief bogo: that why i put him undercover because he have great skill at this.

Nick look at photos of shadow and he noticed something.

Nick: wait..this is tundra town right?

Judy look at the photo and she nod. As chief bogo said 'yes'.

Nick: Gotcha!..i know this place.

Nick yelled makes everyone gasped.

Ray: you know this place nick?

Nick: yeah sure. Before I became a cop, I always go there.

Ray: for what?

Nick: just meet my friend and hangout with them.

Chief bogo: that great. this means you know everything about that place.

Judy: can ask anyone in that club.

Nick: sure thing. Just like i said. I know everyone.

Judy gave smile at nick and its make nick blush.

~At the tundra town club~
~Time : 8:50 pm~
(Normal P.O.V)

Judy: okay guys remember, chief want us to stay undercover and dont make any trouble ok?.
(judy ask nick and ray)

Nick and Ray just nod. they get out from nick's car (nick has black ford mustang GT)..they went get in to club but suddenly a big polar bear restraining ray at the entrance. That make ray feel shock and about to take out his gun but nick hold him. the polar bear ask 'where are you going kiddo?'.

Ray: let me go..i just wanna have fun and drink..

Polar bear: you are not lying to me right?

Ray: why would you think im lying.(ray about to ready to take his gun but nick came and stop them)

Nick: hey! Kevin!..long time no see..

Kevin(the white polar bear)
: that boy..what up?

Nick: yeah its always doing

Kevin: better than before, what are you doing here?

Nick: dont ask me that question..(nick said in a funny tone) know i came here for what right?

Kevin: always do..and who are they?(he let go ray arm)

Nick: this is my friend ray and this is myyy..mate..judy..

Kevin: what!?..are serious!? are dating with!..that awesome..i though bunny and fox will never get along..but now i was wrong..hey judy!..

Judy: yeah?

Kevin: take care of him..and you are lucky girl because you have him.

Judy: thank you kevin..

Kevin: you're welcome.
Oh! Sorry nick i have ruin your time.

Nick: No,no..its okay..

Kevin: now you can enjoy this moment (he said as he opened the door for them)

Nick: okay got to go..

Kevin: hey nick hold on.

Nick: huh?

(kevin handed him 50$ bucks. It make nick confuse and ask)

Nick: what is this?

Kevin: c'mon just take treat.

Nick: ok..thanks buddy.( he wave his paw to kevin and walk into the club)

Judy and ray sat together while they wait for nick..and nick just came from behind and order a drink..

Judy: why would you take it so long.

Nick: relax was my old friend.i know we have to job to do right now.

Nick: you see those guy over there
(nick pointed to the three rhino who sat at the bar and get drunk)

Judy: yeah..why?..

Nick: dont you remember..the photo we look at the office today?

(judy finally remembered the photo she look at the office back those photo there shown three rhino holding 6 briefcase (1 rhino holding 2 briefcase) and in the briefcase
it contains many type of drugs)

Judy: now i those photo and those rhino.

Nick: yeah..we finally found shadow's henchmen.

Ray: sorry for interpurting your dating but those guys are ready to go. sooo..what shall we do..stay here until morning or follow them?

Nick: of course not..we must follow them..there are our first we can't let them go..lets move.

(they slowly get up and follow those rhino..nick saw they get in to their nick and the other did the same..they slowly follow those rhino from behind..afraid if they were get caught so nick drive it slowly and away from the rhino's car but still can see them..after a few minutes following nick saw the car suddenly nick don't have any choise, he push the gas padle hardly to get them..)

~in the rhino car~

'hey dude! We got followed!
Damn! It must be a undercover cop! I hate them!
Don't worry leave it to me.
One of those rhino open the window and took out his shotgun and ready to shoot at nick's car.

Nick: Oh shit!.

Judy: what happend.?

Ray:Oh no..the rhino are ready to shoot us with his shootgun.

'eat my bullet you asshole!
The rhino shout and began to shoot.

Nick don't have any choise, so he must evade all the bullet.

Nick: hey ray. can you do me a favor.

Ray: sure thing (ray took out his glock 37 and open the window and began to shoot).

(during their exchange of fire..nick suddenly came with idea)

Nick: judy..can you handle this car for me?

Judy: and you?

Nick look at judy with smirk on his face..

Judy: No! I won't let you do that its dangerous!

Nick: this is our job..we must do this..

(he open the door while is still accelerate he went to go infront of the and jump into the rhino car..but before he do that he turn and see judy face was concern, he go closer to judy and give her quick kiss on the lips before he go out)

To be continue.....

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