The Guild In The Forest (continued part 2)

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The knight just laid there in pain as thoughts ran through his head, how was he supposed to get out of this situation? He's been in countless battles, each one giving him new experiences, but he's never faced a problem like this. The female Archer walked up to him and kicked away his broken blade.

She looked down at him and said in her soft voice

"This is the end for you criminal!"

He grunted refusing to be stopped not now how could he? He's come so far on his journey, sacrificed so much, he couldn't just roll over and die, and with that in his mind he clenched his fist closed and threw his fist at the young archers leg knocking it from under her making her fall down onto her backside with a loud thud. He then forced himself to muster up all of his strength and stood up onto his feet shaking from the wounds but he still stood firm as he started inching towards the downed Archer

"You made...a big...mistake... coming after me!"

He said enraged

"Who sent you!?"

The young Archer refused to talk as she started crawling away trying to make her escape but to her dismay the now enraged knight stopped her by stepping down onto her leg, the overwhelming pain surged through her body causing her to scream in pain as he put all his weight down onto it.


She cried out cringing with the pain as she screamed out

"Silver! Silver! He sent me!"

The knight growled in anger and walked off

"Stay away from me...if I see you again I'll kill you!"

The archer stopped crawling and looked back at him in surprise

"Y-you mean you aren't...going to kill me...?"

"Of course not I'm not some monster"

She stood up shaking

"But...all the rumors"

She said still surprised.

"They are just that rumors"

He said quickly with anger in his voice.

"I almost killed you... because of r-rumors?

I wanted to be a protector of the people a warrior for the ones who could not could I be so wrong?"
He picked up his broken sword and walked away the archer shook all the bad thoughts out of her head and chased after him

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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