The Guild In The Forest

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the boy walked through the forest with his torn cloak and worn out armor, his sword's blade was broken in half from his recent battle, yet he still held it with a firm grip, for he and that sword had a great history, he and that sword have been through countless battles and he knew that even with it broken him he and that sword would go through even more battles. He sat down by a tree weak and tired he laid back against the hard yet comfy wood and slowly closed his eyes he was a tired soul with a tired  body he relaxed and started to dream and instantly all of his pain and stress was lifted off of him. He did not have to worry about being attacked or killed he didn't have to worry about anything anymore for in his dreams he was truly at peace but to his dismay his dreaming was cut short by the sound of an arrow piercing the tree mere inches from his face his eyes shot open and he quickly stood up his stress and the pain of his last battle overwhelming him once again but he did not fall instead he stood his ground tuff and watchful as he scanned his surroundings for the archer that shot the bow he found her kneeling down in a bush readying another shot she pulled back and fired the shot the brave young knight easily dodged it she stood and quickly ran away he chased right behind her. She bolted through the forest spinning past trees in her path as the young knight did the same barely able to keep up with the archers speed but he kept on her trail not letting himself get distracted. His footsteps were heavy but quick, the archer suddenly jumped and spun around firing three arrows at the young knight each arrow striking him, one in his left leg one in his right leg and the final arrow in his left hand the sharp pains overwhelmed him forcing him to drop down to his knees grunting in pain holding in his screams as the archer stopped and looked back at him surprised that she actually managed to wound the young fabled knight she started to walk up to him her guard up prepared for anything

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