Chapter 26:Jeffory's Plan

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Katelyn's P.O.V.

I clenched Jeff's hand and dragged us both to the rusty old car of mine..a million questions spun through my head...

"You okay?" Jeff said as he closed the car door..

"You know that I'm pissed at both of you?I saved your ass back there." I spat...

"You do have a reason for that...I'm sorry..Trav has gone insane..I know.." He said with a low comforting voice..

I sighed..."Thanks for your support..still mad're behind the 'I'm super mad' line..." I chuckled through saying the second sentence..

"Heh...I don't know why I broke up with you....Leah was a b*tch..I don't know why I chose her over you.." He said as he moved his fingers through my hair and smiled..

"I chose the wrong person too,but I can't get into another relationship that fast...I need some time off y'know?" I sighed again halfway through my sentence..then I started the car..

"I understand...if you have no place to stay in just call me...and remember we have school tomorrow..and what time is it?" He reminded and asked  me..

"It's 5:22 p.m.,and I know..thanks for the reminder and I can stay over at me and trav's place until he gets's his house after all.." I said as I changed the gear into drive and stepped on the gas pedal.."Thank god tomorrow is Friday..."

" the way..have you noticed that school ends in a week?!" He said with his eyes wide with excitement..

We talked as I drived..i remember why I used to date him..he's so understanding and nice...I don't know why I went for travis,ugh..

I started having this warm fuzzy feeling in my heart every time I looked at Jeff...sure he cheated on me,but he apologized and regretted that he chose her...

"Here we are.." I said in a sad tone..I felt lonely without a piece of me was lost...

"Thanks for everything..really" He smiled and started unlocking his door..

"No worries...wanna grab some dinner some day?" I said..hoping he'd agree.

"That would be great!!Give me a text okay?I'll see you later!" He exclaimed as he got out of the car..

"See ya..." I said again in a said tone..

I watched him walk into his house and close the door..I started driving back was already 6...I had to eat and just process everything that has happened....

Jeffory's P.O.V.

I stepped into my house,the cold breeze of the air conditioner hit me...i placed my jacket on the hanger and walked up the stairs,and went into ny room to start up some metallica,since I live alone no one would complain about my loud music..I put on some Panic!At the Disco music and sat  down on my bed..I pulled out a piece of paper out of my pocket that had my plan written on it...

Plan to Get to Kate's Heart:

1.Fake that travis tried to kill me.

2.Comfort Katelyn and tell her that I regret breaking up with her.

3.Go out with her for dinner and kiss her.

4.Invite her to stay the night.

5.Kiss her again and ask her to become my girlfriend.

6.Kill Travis and frame it on lucinda.

I thought it was smart,the second I broke up with katelyn,I felt like I was missing out..but she'd never get back with me that easily..she doesn't know how much I love her,I had to do what I had to do..

"She'll be mine" I whispered and laughed..

Travis's P.O.V.

I kept dreaming about the same situation..I kept hearing katelyn saying that we broke felt like someone ripped my heart into shreds and stepped on it repeatedly..

I already miss her,i need to prove to her that Jeffory tried to kill me,he lied,and he's probably trying to trick her into getting back with him..

"I just love her..I can't lose her.." I said as I woke up from my slumber and went back to sleep again...

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