VI. My Failed Attempt At Jazz Hands Turns Out To Be Worse Than Apollo's Puns

Start from the beginning

"Remember that feeling of betrayal?" Pheme whispered. I could feel her presence swirling around me, suffocating me in hate and anger. "Your mother rejecting you."

I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"The only betrayal I feel is that you consider yourself a good hostess yet you haven't fed me yet." I shot back and the scene disappeared leaving me alone in the dark room. I tried to keep my voice steady but I could feel it catching in my throat.

I was wanting to save Demeter less and less each day.

The voice frowned.

Wait that didn't make any sense.

"You will see me soon Tania." She whispered though I didn't see reasoning behind that. She was already making me hella scared and whispering just makes it more annoying and less ominous.

It was only as everything started to go blurry that I realized I was waking up.

"Goodbye; please don't spread too many rumours about me." I managed to mumble out as I woke up.

The first thing I did when I woke up was reach for the ring on my hand and twist it, a sword appearing in my hand. Then I stood up and struck a glorious pose of beauty and valiantness.

Did you actually believe that?

If you did then be glad you aren't in the Hermes cabin. You would be the butt of everyone's pranks.

I woke up by falling down a grass hill.

Do you believe that? Well if you did then I guess you know me fairly well.

Back to the subject at hand. Me + hill = bad stuff. I could be a math teacher. I could also be a science teacher and tell about the fact that just because a hill is made of grass it doesn't mean it's soft.

Wait is that science? Whatever. Do I look like I care? Sure. Wait what?

"Owieee!" I screeched as I halted at the bottom of the hill.

I could hear two sets of laughter as I got up, shaking the grass out of my auburn hair which just made my head hurt even more.

"Hardee harhar." I grumbled at Grover and Fern.

Except it came out as more of a "howrtee heeeheee" considering the amount of grass in my mouth.

And I have braces. Why by golly isn't it my lucky day? (Insert a gif of some leprechaun dancing and fist pumping the air.)

I slowly walked up the treacherous hill in defeat to the top.

It was just then that I remembered where I was before I blacked out like some idiot in some old play. Not cool.

"Wait a second where's the snake lady? Felicia was it?" I asked.

Grover gave me a strange look. "Euryale actually."

"Oh right!" I exclaimed, shaking my arms wildly. "Felicia was my wacko of a babysitter that assumed I was a turkey and she tried to put me in the oven."

"Oh yeah, I remember her." Fern grumbled and I raised an eyebrow at her lack of interest.

It isn't everyday that you get to hear about a babysitter who thinks a child is a turkey. Needless to say, she got a couple of years in prison.

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