A Wild Rose Describing Herself

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(Note: I've always wanted to try this type of poetry!!)


N stands for Not Always Making Sense.
As unpredictable as the ocean. A lovely tangle of complex thoughts and fervent emotions. A capricious mix of contradictions and discrepancies. A guitar riff you love, but can't quite figure out. Sometimes, even I don't quite understand myself.

A stands for Amazingly Absent-minded.
Head in the clouds. Dreaming constantly about life and it's incontestable beauty. Reality is just a barely acknowledged co-traveller. Eyes as unclear as a desert scape blown away by a simoom. Lost in thought, you might say. But I prefer Found in thought.

S stands for Strong But Only When I Need To Be.
My power doesn't hide under my skin, ready for combat anytime. It's a slow flame, a supernova, ensconced in the core of my being. So far away, that it looks very tiny. But when provoked, a supernova is the brightest, most frightening thing in the night sky.

R stands for Romantic, Incurable.
I believe in true love. I can't pass a red rose without drinking in its fragrance and wondering which lucky lover would receive that as a gift. Love songs make my heart sing with euphoria. Swooning over gorgeous eyelashes and broad shoulders. I dream about the day I meet that special person who makes every day of my life feel like my birthday. Who I can be completely myself with.

E stands for Extremely Conscious Of What Other People Think.
I can't walk into a room without wondering what other people think of me. I edit out everything I say, I do, I write. I am scared of people's eyes, contemptuous, judgemental. I know that the only opinion that matters is my own. I assure you, I'm working on it.

E stands for Exceptionally Childlike.
I love anime. I laugh out loud, like a child, my whole body shaking with mirth. Chocolate makes me jump with joy. I write poems on cake and tea and my mother's cooking. But I am scared, as I grow older, that the harsh reality will strangulate my Childlike heart, the innocence, the faith, the ability to believe in miracles. Will I lose me?

N stands for Not Even Remotely Perfect.
I am human, after all. Perfection escapes me, constantly. But all I can vouch for is that I never do anything by halves. I pour my whole heart into everything I do. And for now, that's better than being perfect.

And that's all about me, folks, in 7 paragraphs.

Note: I know!!! A little bit too long!!!

Thanks for reading!!!

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