Chapter 7

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Addison's POV

Another day of my boring life again. I dragged myself out of bed once again just like any other day. Seriously, who the hell invented school? I did my normal routine and get ready for school.

I went into the kitchen and my mum passed me my breakfast,"Here you go, sweetie!" I quickly gobbled up my food and grabbed my school bag before making my way towards the school with Aaron. But there's something going on with him lately...he has been acting weird around me and flirting with a lot more girls than he usually does, but I just shrugged off as his hormones.

When I reached school, I went to my locker and again, an envelope flew out from my locker. I bent down and picked up the letter, curious to see what the letter says. I opened the letter and it says:

Dear Addison,

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
I like you lot,
do you like me?

How are you doing? I hope you are well. You may be wondering why your best friend has been acting weird lately, but you will find out...soon enough...

And remember, I will always love you no matter what.

Snow♡ That word is stuck in my head, and I know this is not any small crush anymore...


"Could you please stop that??" Aaron asked, irritated by my tapping of foot. I looked at him, and continuing tapping my foot, I'm DYING OF BOREDOM!!!!!!!-_- After a five minutes... "Oh my Gosh!!! Shut the hell up!!!" Aaron screamed out, obviously agitated and frustrated by it. The whole class, including the teacher looked at us. The teacher raised an eyebrow at us and said,"Is there anything wrong there? Mr Aaron and Ms Addison?"

We quickly shook our heads, indicating that we did not do anything. "Well then, detention after school for disrupting the lesson."the teacher said and turned back around to write on the board. I turned to looked at Aaron and glared at him, but he just give me the look that says 'you started it first by my annoying me' and I kicked his leg under the
table causing him to groan quietly.


After school, me and Aaron made our way to detention class and we entered the room just to see........... Jake and a few popular jocks/guys sitting in the middle of the classroom, playing around while the teacher was at the seat snoring away loudly. When they saw me and Aaron, they stopped what they were doing initially and stared at us, making me feel uncomfortable under their burning stares. We walked to the back of the classroom and settled down quickly, hoping that they would divert their attention to something else.

But that didn't go as I expected...

Jake walked up to us smirking,"Hey! You are Addison, am I right?"he asked me, completing ignoring Aaron. I slightly frowned, but still nodded whereas Aaron looked like he was gonna kill Jake. I wonder why....

Jake stood in front of me give me a cheeky smile,"Hi! I'm Jake. You probably know me already since I very popular in this school." Cocky and arrogant bastard!!! "And I was wondering if you were like to go on a date with me?"he looked at me like he already know what I was going to say.

I simply gave him a polite smile and replied,"No, thanks. I'm not interested."

"I'll pick you u- Wait, did you just say no?"he smirked dropped from his face into a shocked look. Aaron was trying so hard not to laugh but at the same time, he was also shock. "Are you deaf? Yes, she rejected you. Now get lost!!" Aaron replied for me. Jake glared at me,"This is not over! I swear I will win you over! Just you wait!"

Just then the teacher woke up from his slumber, he looked at his watch and said,"Detention over, you are dismissed."before putting his head on the table and fell asleep again. Me and Aaron quickly collected our things and rushed to the school entrance, making our way home.

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