15 First Day and Full-house Prank War

Start from the beginning

"We have." Chris said confidently.

"Oh, have you now? Who taught me to walk? James did. Who taught me how to talk? James again. Who bought me anything I ever needed from their own hard earned cash? James, once again. Who was my shoulder to cry on when my parents left all the time? All of my brothers were there. Who always told me that my parents still loved me? Well it certainly wasn't my parents, it was my brothers again." I yelled at them in frustration.

"James got all of his money from us."

"IS THAT THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO SAY AFTER WHAT I JUST TOLD YOU? You are unbelievable, you know that? You know what, I'm done believing that one day you'll come up to me and actually tell me you love me yourselves. Fuck you both." I sneered as I picked up my school bag and stormed out of the house, not even bothering to wait for my brothers.

I will not cry, not even in frustration, they are not worth the tears. I wish I could've seen that before.


"Hey, you alright?" Danny asked as he greeted me in D block. I looked up from my shoes and smiled lightly when I saw him, genuinely happy to see him after this morning.

"Just tired. I'll tell you about it later. Timetable?" I said as I hugged him tightly. He grabbed the sheet from his bag and showed it to me so I could compare lessons. "Biology with me, Maths with me and English. Not bad all together." I smiled gently as I passed the sheet back to him and walked off to form with Zara who had just turned up.


The morning had dragged, even though I had Biology first with Danny in which we persuaded our teacher to let us sit together, then I had Latin alone which was kind of boring since we were re-capping on what we did before the week off. English we just watched 'The Woman in Black' because our teacher is useless and does nothing with his life except for date the school receptionists. I used that time to tell Danny about this morning and now it was lunch time and I was sitting outside by the wall along one side of the school with Danny and Zara when a shadow loomed over us. I looked up to see the person and groaned loudly, placing my head on Danny's shoulder. The figure chuckled and sat down opposite Danny and I.

"Zara, how's it going babe?"

"Shut up you mess." She chuckled as she threw a crust of sandwich at him.

"Ah, Lia. It's been so long since our last proper conversation."

"It would have been longer if my luck hadn't run out." I muttered into Danny's shoulder. I knew he would be very confused right now at how Zara and I were acting towards this person.

"Now, why would you say that, honey-bear?"

"Because you are an arrogant jerk and I don't like you very much." I said as I threw some grass at him.

"Oh, babes that hurts my feelings!" He exclaimed with mock hurt.

"Oh come here you ratbag!" I laughed as Zara and I hugged him.

"Wait, what just happened?" Danny asked on confusion. Zara, Todd and I laughed loudly at his confusion and explained that we were all friends in primary but since he joined the sports teams he had drifted away from us. Zara and I always made the joke that he would turn out like the rest of the bone-headed boys on the team. It was our special inside joke that only Danny now knew of. We were all laughing by the end as we all re-lived random memories of each other throughout the years, Danny joining in with us considering he was also a good friend of Todd's.

"What's up then, man? You usually only come to us if you need advice on something or something like that." Zara asked after a laughing fit.

"Oh, yeah. You know Amy Jones?" I shivered at the name but nodded nonetheless. "I'm thinking of asking her out."

"No." I said simply.

"What? Why not?" Todd asked surprised.

"Because she is bad news. What do you see in her?"

"She is a really nice girl once you get to know her."

"Invite her over here then. Right now. Don't tell her where your going or who will be there. Just ask her to go with you and bring her here." I said.


"Just do it." I said laughing at the memory of the Shia LaBeouf motivation video. Todd looked at me weirdly but complied.

"What was the purpose of that?" Danny asked once Todd had walked off. I shrugged.

"Just wanted to see how she was, after the fight and all that."

"You know about that?" I looked at him weirdly.

"Well obviously, seeing as I was in it." I said in a duh tone.

"That was you?" I nodded confused. "Wow. My girlfriend has mad skills. Remind me never to piss you off!" Danny laughed. Zara and I laughed with him and soon enough Todd returned with a very confused looking Amy.

"Why am I here?" She asked Todd as she looked around. She hadn't seen us yet. I sat up straighter and plastered on a fake smile for her. Todd pulled her down to sit on his lap and smiled at us.

"Amy, these are my friends; Zara, Danny and Lia." Amy tensed up at my name but played it off my shrugging her hair over her shoulder and looking at us all individually. She didn't look me in the eyes.

"Well, hello there cutey." She purred at Danny. I placed my head on his shoulder and kissed his neck gently as I looked Amy directly in her widening eyes. She cleared her throat and leaned back into Todd who was looking at us strangely.

"Did something happen between you guys that I don't know about?" Amy and I both answered at the same time. I said 'yes' whilst Amy simultaneously said 'no'. Todd looked between the two of us in confusion until he just shrugged and let that conversation go.

Soon enough the bell rang and we all went our separate ways for our next two lessons before the day way finally over and I could go home and begin our annual prank war that would cause pure chaos in the Thompson household. It was probably the best time out of the entire year and I was looking forwards to pulling my epic pranks on my idiotic brothers.

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