Felix Thorne is probably my best friend. We started at Ironworks within a week of each other a couple of years ago, but where I tend to get clients that are heavy on cardio, light on weights, he's the exact opposite. At six foot five and two hundred and twenty pounds, he is the swole-est of dudebros.

Before I could venture back down the hallway to the weights room to find him, however, the double doors burst open from the other side and our resident yogi, Sierra Shay, careened into the lobby just in time to squeal excitedly at William Lawson and throw her ninety pound weight at him.

Our boss barely reacted except to carefully set her back down on the floor, while she tossed her navel-length blonde hair out of her eyes and beamed up at him. 'You're back!' she exclaimed. 'I missed you.'

'I am,' he confirmed. 'I missed you too.' His glance switched to Emma. 'Any disasters while I was away?'

'Not a single one,' Emma grinned. 'How was Costa Rica?'

'Great. We hiked some waterfalls, went white-water rafting, and Eric cheated on me with an Argentinian twink called Pablo. Any urgent messages?'

We all stared at him. Will Lawson, at twenty-four, was one of the most intimidating people I'd ever met. He was the oldest son of the Lawson family, who owned Ironworks, and while we were pretty evenly-matched physically, he had an air of having-his-shit-together that I didn't think I would ever be old or mature enough to achieve. There was something about him that made you want to impress him; he was cool, collected, and detached, and when he handed out praise it made you glow for at least a month. The idea that somebody would cheat on somebody like him seemed completely foreign to me.

'What?!' Sierra demanded after a couple of seconds of this silence, her voice high-pitched. 'He did what?'

A foot taller than her, Will glanced down at her briefly. 'Later, okay?' he said. While I'm borderline afraid of Will, Sierra adores him. It must be all the yoga she does; she's so chill nothing can phase her. I can't even begin to imagine how one goes about getting into Will Lawson's inner circle, but she's in there. He's her best friend. 'Messages?' he prompted Emma, and she shook her head slightly to clear it, glancing back at her screen.

'Uh, nothing urgent. Everything's on your desk. Um, sorry for asking about...' she trailed off awkwardly.

'It's fine,' Will said shortly, already moving past her desk and through the double doors to make his way to his office.

'That little shit!' Sierra snapped, in a very un-chill manner for somebody who practices approximately three hours of shavasana per day. She was scrolling furiously through her phone, and Emma and I shamelessly peered over her shoulders to watch her pulling up Eric Oliver's Facebook profile.

'What are you gonna do?' I asked bemusedly. 'Shitpost about what a turd he is on his own page?'

'See if he friended Pablo,' Emma encouraged her, bright-eyed. 'What?' she asked, when we both turned to look at her, making identical faces. 'If he cheated on Will with him, he must look like an Amazonian war lord. Will is crazy hot.'

Sierra scowled at her before stalking back into the gym-proper herself, leaving Emma and I alone.

'I really don't think that was an unreasonable request,' Emma informed me. 'Are you friends with Eric online?'

'Why would I be? I don't exactly spend my down time partying with Will and his people.'

Emma smirked at me. 'Not yet. He's available now.'

'Oh my god,' I muttered, reaching my quota as well and leaving her alone to try and find Felix.

'Maybe I should switch to Cardio Bunnies,' he mused later, as we sat in the trainers' break room over our packed lunches. He was having protein with a side of protein, and a protein shake to wash it all down.

One Shots 3.0 [boyxboy]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz