1//How to become a Kitchen Pimp

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"Gabe, I don't think this is a very good cookbook," I started. 

"Nonsense. Ghetto Gourmet is a perfectly standardized cookbook. If Mom didn't have time for the cooking, I wouldn't have been able to try out the cookbook, so let me enjoy this, Nova," My brother Gabe everyone.

On his way to pimping the poultry.

I sighed and stopped helping him out. "Where are you going?" He asked, his grey-blue eyes narrowing. His eyes were piercing and more often than not, they could tell what I was thinking. Gabe was very intuitive and which could be both a blessing and a curse. "I'm going to tell Mom that this isn't working and that we should order in," I told him, inching closer and closer to the door. "Nova, wait! Mom doesn't trust me with the stove, and you can't cook for shit so please let me just enjoy this,"

"It's hard to let you enjoy this when you're going to be making 'Sweet Treats for that Sweet Ass'," I quoted. Gabe rolled his eyes and turned back to what he was cooking on the stove. "Fine don't help me," I threw off my apron, settling down into the couch. "When are you going to be finished?" I asked, a delicious smell wafting from the oven from one of the dished that I helped make. 

"In 2 hours," My mouth dropped open. "Savannah's family is coming over in an hour," I heard Gabe snicker, obviously not caring that he would serve kitchen late. "Who do I have to impress?" I shook my head. "Well, you know, Savannah's Aunt and their 2 cousins. I heard their aunt is a food critic for Food Network," I heard Gabe gasp. "I should have read the How to become a kitchen pimp," He said frantically. The heat increased as Gabe attempted to cook faster.

"It's hot," I complained. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen," He said. I frowned. "I'm not even in the kitchen," Gabe popped his head into the living room and gave me a devilish grin. "Then get out of the house. Run away child," He often got very distracted and it was a good thing that he had me there to get him to focus.

"Gabe, focus!" I yelled. He yelped and scurried back inside the kitchen. It was nice to have that effect on my weird brother. 

Half an hour later, I went up to my room to shower and change. Apparently this dinner was really important to Savannah. She was officially re-welcoming her cousins and Aunt back into this town and she wanted to make it really special for them. As I was putting on my ankle heel boots, or whatever sort of crap my mom labeled it, my door burst open, and there she was.

My mom looked stressed. "Why did I let Gabe cook?" She started pacing. I started putting on clear lip gloss. "It's because he is actually good, just his stupid cookbooks," I said, smacking my lips together. "After the last one, 50 ways to eat Cock, or even the one before that, Thug Kitchen, I shouldn't have let him cook but I had no other choice. Your father can't cook, you refused to cook and I am busy," She stopped and cocked her head.

"They're here," 

The doorbell rang right after those words came out of her mouth. I finished my makeup and walked downstairs to greet everyone. My mother had an intuitive sense. She liked to be the perfect hostess, which was good sometimes because it meant that she was organized and focused unlike Gabe. I've always wondered where he got his scatterbrain from.

"Nova," Savannah hugged me, looking stunning as usual. Grayson and West, her brothers, both shot dirty looks with me and I scowled. I got along with everyone but Grayson and West who were both assholes. It wasn't like I hated them, they just annoyed me to an extent where I could barely tolerate them at times. West was Gabe's best friend, and I was going to have to make sure to keep him out of the kitchen.

3 people I didn't recognize walked into the house. "You must be Nova, I'm Jenna," I'm presuming this was Savannah's Aunt. I smiled warmly at her, and invited her to take her coat off. "These are my children, Rena, and Parker," I barely even looked at the guy because I was too busy with the very adorable 4 year old with pretty blonde hair and warm blue eyes. "I'm Nova,"

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