Chapter 15: I love you

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Justin's POV:

I'm just sitting outside Mia's hospital room, leaning against the wall. I'm waiting for an answer if Mia is still alive. I love her and I don't wanna lose her. " Excuse me?," this man calls. I think he's a cop. "Yes?," I answer. " Hello. I'm a policeman and I'm here to investigate what happened to Mia and who did it," he explains to me. " Wait what?," I ask him curious. " You think this was on purpose?," I ask him again. He hesitates and says, " Yes." I grow angry and hot. Who would do this to Mia? " Well, Mr. Bieber, we got information from another teenager the same age as Mia. She was driving right beside her when the accident happened. She had seen what had happened," he tells me. Suddenly, a girl walks up. I guess this is the girl. " Here she is," the man says. " What happened?," I ask her. " Well, I was driving right beside your wife, Mia. She looked so scared. This guy, I'm guessing he knew her and she knew him, had the most evil stare at her. Mia started hyperventilating. The guy started shouting something at her and he ran his car into her. I stopped my car. I was safe, but her car flipped about maybe fifty times and I called 911 immeadiately. She looked really hurt. I drove my car right behind the ambulance to assure she was safe," the girl explains to me. I look down. Tears grow in my eyes. " I'm sorry. What's your name?," I ask. " Zakeyah," she tells me. " Well, Zakeyah. What did this guy look like?," I ask her. " He had blond hair, he was pretty tall, he didn't look like he was around her. He had blue eyes and his license plate said "London." He had a couple scars, too. It looked like it's been for a few days at least. Then, he drove away," she explains to me. It was Peter. The scars are from me punching him the the face. I turn to the policeman. " I know who did it. He knows Mia. He just confronted us at our house. He's an old friend of Mia. But, stuff happened and we have a rocky relationship with him," I explain to him. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around. It's Peter. I clenched my jaw and charge towards him. I push him. " What did you do to her?," I ask shouting at him. " What do you mean?," he says sarcastically smiling. The policeman gets me off him and arrests him. " You can't have her now," Peter says. I run my fist to his face and punch him really hard. His nose is bleeding now. I don't care. The policeman escorts him out of the hospital. " I hope she's okay," Zakeyah says, then she leaves. Doctor Steve comes out the room. He tells me something. My jaw drops. This is really happening.

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