The Doctors

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I do not own any of the characters! Except for the doctor of course! on!

  Going to the doctors was kind of nerve wrecking. Eli, had never been fond of doctors. But he came anyways, isn't that sweet.

  We were sitting in the waiting room and I could feel Eli's leg shaking against mine. 

"It's okay baby," I told him while putting my hand on his leg "relax"

"I'm okay," he reassured me "I'm just worried for you and...the baby"

 That was so cute. He is so sweet and he's making a huge effort. This morning instead of wearing a concert tee-shirt, he wore a shirt I had bought him about two years ago. It was an all black shirt with three buttons at the neck, it was pretty simple but he didn't wear it alot. All he wore that shirt for was to impress someone, or to get me in bed.

"I love you" I told him.

"I love you too" he smirked.

  That smirk. It's what made me fall in love with him in the first place, then came everything else. 

"What are you giggling about?" he asked.

I blushed. It's incredible how that man can still make me blush.

"I was thinking about your smirk" I confessed "It still turns me on, you know?"

"Really?" he said with a smirk "does this turn you on?"

He kissed me deeply in front of everyone but I didn't care. I love him and I will show it. He backed away and I nodded. He was leaning back in for another one, but the doctor came in the room.

"The..." he said looking at him list "Goldsworthy's"

I jumped up in delight. I grabbed Eli's hand.

"Eli!" I whispered "get up"

"Noooo, I don't want to," he whined  "I wanna go home and get under that dress" he smirked.

"Elijiah Goldsworthy!' I said.

He got up as fast as he could. 

"I love it when you act like that" he whispered in my ear.

I blushed then gave him a kiss but then walked right to the doctor. I turn around to see that Eli is right behind me.

 The doctor tells us that he going to do an ultra sound. I nod but I think Eli is being a little over-protective. He was standing pratically in front of me and was holding my hand as thight as he could. 

"Eli let go" I said calmly "I need to get on the table"

He nods and let go but stays right next to me. At the end he seemed much more comfortable.But that was worse because he was asking alot of questions and they were also very stupid questions.

"Can she sleep on her side?" Eli asked "What do I do when she gets moody?" 

  I shook my head in disbelief. the doctor handed him a panflet. It said Father's Pregnancy Questions. so we brought it home and a bunch of other panflets on pregnancies including one on constapation. i looked at him a waved the paper in his face.

"Was is this for?" I asked accusingly. 

"I don't know I just grabbed anything" he said while getting into the car.

More coming soon!!!!! Read!!!!

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