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Opening my eyes I groaned remember the deal I made with Justin last night. I was starting to think maybe this wasn't the best idea. He was my best friend for crying out loud, I don't quite know what we were thinking.

Shimmying myself out of bed I ran my hand through my mess of hair and made my way to the kitchen to brew myself a coffee. As I took my first sip I heard a sudden bang on the worktop behind me and I flung around to see Justin stood shirtless with a smile and a pile of paper on the worktop in front of him.

"What's this?" I raised a brow in questioning. Since Justin was a dancer it was normal to see him carrying work around the apartment, all his work was physical. I couldn't help but glance for a second at his muscles. He may be my bestfriend and though I do not see him in a romantic or sexual way at all I can't deny that he's nice of the eyes and being a dancer meant he had an amazing body that I occasionally found my self starring at, don't judge me. It's not my fault my bestfriend looks like some type of Greek God, there's nothing wrong with appreciating all jai glory.

"This," he smirked probably catching me checking him out and I blushed "Is the rules for our little arrangement." He beamed at me motioning to the pile of paper.

"Yeah.." I dragged out the vowels "About that," I mumbled. Frowning Justin shook his head "Come on G, if you keep backing out like this constantly you'll die a virgin." I gave him a dirty look "Sorry. But you know what I mean. The reason we're doing this is so you stop backing out of sex, and now you're backing out of this."

I nodded taking in what he said. He was completely right, I was running again. If Justin was any other guy I would've been out the door five minutes ago. "I'm just scared that we'll-"

"We'll be fine." Justin cut me off with a smile. Taking a seat on a stool he patted the one next to him "Sit." He instructed me. "Yes master." I said rolling my eyes. Justin smirked "Hmm master, maybe we c-" "Nope!" I snapped causing him to laugh.

"What is all this?" I questioned looking down at the large pile of paper. "Actually most of is blank, I just wanted to look professional." Justin admitted. I looked at him with a blank face before I erupted in laughed, his cheeks tinged red and I awwed pinching them causing him to slap my hand away.

"Let's get down to business my little sexual endeavour." He winked. My eyes widened and I quiet ended down suddenly feeling strange.

"So how long do you want this to take?" Justin questioned glancing up at me. "What do you mean?" I asked. Rolling his eyes as if I was the dumbest person to exist he answered "Well do you want this to take a while? Do you want to slowly ease into it? Or do you just want to get straight to it? Should we set a deadline?"

I cut him off before he could spout out more "I don't want to just hop into bed right now with you, but I don't want to drag it out either. How about a month?" I thought at loud. Justin nodded and wrote it down causing me to roll my eyes.

"Ok now this question is serious. How far do you want to go?" He asked and my chest tightened slightly. "Do you want to have sex, or just do everything leading up to sex?" He added quietly.

We sat in silence for a few minutes while I thought about my answer. I was really sick of being a virgin, and I wanted to get it out of the way because I'd been holding it off for so long and missing opportunities. As a shock to some people I wasn't the type of girl that was waiting for the guy I was going to marry to give it up to. Relationships end, new people come, it's very rare that people end up spending the rest of their life with the first person they have sex with. Therefore I wasn't holding my breath, to have sex with the perfect guy for the whole of my life. A girls got to kiss a few roads before she finds her prince. I cringed at myself. However I still didn't want to lose my virginity to some guy that I'd been on a few dates with who probably wouldn't remember my name in a few years.

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