Chapter Ten: Final Destination

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The incredible end to an incredible story. We were at Final Destination after clearing the rest of the mansion and Battlefield.

To be honest, I was scared. Terrified. Petrified. Crippled with fear.

Samus reached for my hand. After holding hands for a few seconds, she surrounded me in a hug. Her head rested on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her, not wanting to lose her to the upcoming battle.

"You two ready?" Midna asked.


We all walked up the stairs to Final Destination. We arrived at the familiar platform with the floor glowing beneath us. The air was familiar, the view was familiar-

I bumped into a computer while carelessly looking around. The screen was illuminated and to no surprise, had words on it.

Your move.

"I believe I can resolve this," Samus stated as she raised her gun and shot the computer at least ten times. It shorted out, dissolved, and the matter scattered across the floor.

After standing there for a few minutes, we turned back and assumed that was the end of it.

Until something grabbed Zelda's leg and pulled her back.

"Zelda!" I exclaimed. I turned to see the matter had turned into a humanoid figure. It had shot out matter from its hand and captured Zelda. She was dangling over the edge of the stage, threatened to plunge to her death.

Unable to think, I ran for the beast, sword in my left hand and my hook shot in my right. I aimed for the limb dangling Zelda, I hit, and pulled my self to the matter.

I believe I heard a laugh with static behind it. The limb moved back over the stage and threw Zelda down. It went back and hovered over the emptiness, and the dissolved.

The hook shot slipped from my grasp, along with the Master Sword. I plummeted until everything was gone.


"No! Link!" I screamed, tears welling in my eyes. The others charged for the beast, and as I ran toward it, I felt the tears spilling down my face. Somehow I sped ahead of everyone else; rage fueling my body. I drew my sword and plunged it in the creature. I felt a tiny shock through my arms. A second passed with my blade still submerged in the beast. Electricity flooded through my body, not enough to kill me, but enough to hurt. Bad.

A raised my blade up through the matter, hoping I would hit something important. Instead, my hands burned. And my eyes burned out.


"Another man down?" I thought.

"Wait, they won't come back!"

I was close enough to perform melee attacks. I shot the thing from a foot away. It flinched, but it didn't destroy it.

I jammed my gun into the back of the creature. "I wish this thing had a system reset!"

Marth and Caeda managed to pin the thing down, and Ike, Roy, and Midna, followed.

I inspected the squirming beast and found a button. "Hold on!" I yelled.

I pressed the button.

The computer stopped squirming. Then it completely vanished. Another computer appeared about a meter away from the fighting crowd.

System Maintenance Required Soon.

System Backup Required Soon.

3N0D 773M

Well Done.

"Zelda isn't here!" Ike stated.

That left a empty void in my heart. Knowing she wouldn't be back. A tear escaped my eye, and I let it run down my face.

We made our trek back to the mansion, to find no one was there and it still in ruins. "Something's different," Caeda mentioned.

I looked around.

A bright blue sky appeared above us.



My entire body felt sore. Legs and arms ached, my head was pounding, and my eyes felt strained. I was laying on my old bed at the mansion. As the urge to urinate hit me, I slowly managed to lift myself from the bed, and finally get out of it. As I walked a couple steps, legs burning, I felt something tug at my arm. I saw a USB plugged into my arm, and the cord led to a small computer.

System Reset Complete. Please remove USB.

Doing as the computer said, I pulled out the plug and went to the bathroom.

I walked back to my room and opened the door. The room was painted a light, pastel green and had two large windows across from the bed. There was a cream sofa and black TV, and the bed had a black and gold canopy with black blankets.

I noticed Zelda was also in the bed, attached to a computer. The monitor said the same thing as mine did, so I unattached the cords. I got back into the bed, on my side, and put my arms around Zelda.

Marth, One Week Later...

"Do you take Caeda, as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?" Zelda asked as Caeda and I stood, holding hands, wedding bands placed on our fingers.

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride!"

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