Eight In Which She Faces Awkward Moments

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Camila had taken her some pyjamas from Francesca,  but she had her own clothes. Like Federico. The two of them have had so many sleepovers here, that they had their own clothes and toothbrushes.

Francesca was sitting alone on her bed, still fazed from her date.

Tonight she had seen a new side of Leon. He kept on surprising her. He apologised, he stuck up for her, and now this date. Francesca couldn't help but smile.

Leon knocks on the doorway and she looks up. She hoped she didn't look to silly smiling for no reason.

"Sorry for getting you in trouble," Leon scratches the back of his neck nervously. Francesca stands up and laughs slightly.

"Like I've never been in trouble," Francesca says and he grins.

"I'm glad you're here – so that I can thank you. For tonight. I really enjoyed it. It was the perfect first date," Francesca thanks him gratefully.

"No problem," Leon shrugs nonchalantly even though in the inside he was celebrating.

He had actually worked quite hard on the date, and the fact that she liked it made it all worth it. His mind flashed back to  when they were on the roof. They were so carefree. He had also seen Francesca in a different light tonight.

Leon opens his arms for a hug but Francesca held her hand out for a fist bump. Their eyes widen and they switch.

"Hey you guys," Camila grins, putting her hand on Leon's shoulder.

Even though she seemed quite laid back she was admittedly squealing on the inside. She was actually touching Leon Vargas' shoulder. Even though she wasn't the biggest fan of him, she liked his movies.

"Hi. I'll go to my room. Goodnight," Leon walks away awkwardly.

Francesca pulls her hair and Camila laughs. Before she can close the door Federico slips in.

"So, we need to know what happened!" Federico announces.

"The door!" Francesca hisses and he closes the door.

They sit in a circle on her bed and Francesca starts to tell them everything that happened. At the end Camila squealed.

"I'm going to kill him," Federico decides and Camila pushes his chest.

"Why? He was such a sweetheart!" Camila argues.

"He was holding her hand way too much!" Federico protests.

Federico was the brother that Francesca never had. They had met in fifth grade, when Camila and Francesca were already best friends.

Federico had been in the same janitors closet that she went to when she ditched P.E. They had met and bonded instantly.

Last year Federico had confided in her and told her that he had a crush on Camila. Francesca had already seen it coming.

"Well I think everything about the date was perfect," Camila tells them.

"So did I," Francesca admits softly.

Camila and Federico hear it and they squeal – well Camila squeals, Federico does it in a somewhat more manly way.

"Shut up!" Francesca scolds.

All she needed was to get into more trouble.

Sorry it was a bit short. I hope you enjoyed! Tell me what you think! Thanks for reading! Sorry for any errors 💚 More Leonesca to come! Sorry it's late

~Lexy 😈

~Lexy 😈

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