Carson rushed towards me and placed himself in front of me.

"What the hell Brandon!" He growled at him.

I took a good look at the guy, he was cute, not gorgeous like Carson, but adorable with brown sandy hair tousled messily, crystal blue eyes and he was reasonably tall. He was almost a smaller version of Carson.

"I'm sorry okay!"

His eyes darted to mine, "Who's this hot little lady?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

Yup. Definitely brothers. Both cocky, perverted and douches.

"Back off." Carson growled. Brandon backed away quickly and left the bathroom.

Whoa, possessive much?

Carson turned around to face me with a concerned look.

"Are you alright?" He scanned my face.

"Yeah. He's your brother?"

"Yup, my younger brother." He shrugged.

"How old is he?"

"15. You might want to wear your clothes now." He chuckled.

My face flushed as I remembered my state of undress.

"Get out!" I screamed, my cheeks getting hotter.

He laughed out loud as he walked out of the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and put on my sweatpants and tank top from last night.

I walked out of the bathroom with my head down, embarrassed of what had just happened.


I hit into something hard. I looked up to find a smirking Brandon and rolled my eyes.

"Well hello..."

"Don't act all cocky cause that's your brothers game and it gets him nowhere. Oh and, younger guys don't flirt with older girls." I winked at him.

I didn't know I had the courage in me to say those words. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Carson's laughter.

"How did you know my age?" He pouted like a child.

"I told her of course." Carson said, still chuckling.

He glared at him with a light pink blush tinting his cheeks. Carson and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Carson wasn't that bad, maybe I should give him a chance? Brandon scowled at us and walked away stomping, which only made us laugh louder.

"I don't remember being related to an elephant!" Carson shouted.

We doubled over with laughter which made my sides and stomach hurt. After a good five minutes of non-stop laughter, we finally calmed down. We stared into each others eyes, I wanted to look away but I couldn't help but admire his glossy blue-green eyes. A tension was rising between us.

"Cashidy!" I heard Mady coming out of her room and tackled my leg with a hug.

I looked down at her and gave her my sweetest smile.

"What? You give her a smile but all I get is a glare?" Carson pouted.

"It's because she's cute and you're not."

"I'm definitely not cute, because I'm hot." He winked at me.

I had almost forgotten Mady was there until she tugged at my sweatpants and made me look at her.

"Can you play with me?" She chirped.

"I'm afraid not Mads, we're going somewhere." Carson answered before I could open my mouth.

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