Chapter 8

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I laid there, still. How long would it be before someone came down? What was I talking about. The longer no one came down the better. I laid there, opening my eyes as wide as they would go, trying to catch a glimps of something. Eventully I got bored and started to drift off into a light sleep. I'm not sure how long that lasted. But all to fast, I woke up with a jolt. There was white lights every where. What was going on? Was I rescued? My eyes teared up at the thought of home. Hope filled my chest. It was all to soon though. It was the man. He was back. And this time, he had company. But not Dan. It was another evil looking man. He had short dark hair and a long face with deep piercing eyes. I knew this wasn't going to end good.

" Wakey wakey my sleeping beauty! I want you to meet my friend. "

I gave them both a murderous look. I was not in the mood for "company". The man introduced his friend as " greg".

"Greg here will be helping feed you today. Now isn't this fun??"

I gagged. I didn't want any "food" they had to offer me. No way. Greg pulled out a large tray of diffrent items out from behind his back. It smelled terrible. There was no way in hell I was eating anything.

Greg grabbed a fork and poked into some sort of meat looking thing and cut off a piece.

"open wide!" He says with a nasty smirk on his face.

I spit on his ugly black sweater.

" Go to hell you fat bastard!"

I ment that too. But that really pissed him off. Then I remebered what Dan had said. "Just do whatever he says." Hah. yeah right. I was not going to cooperate with these idiots.

Greg leaned in and grabbed my face. He pulled a pocket knife out of his back pocket. Just great. I thought to myself. More fun. He lowered the knife to my chest.

"Open your mouth,Now. Or I'll press this little knife right into your pretty little chest." He saod through clenched teeth with a devilish smile.

That must have been pretty dang funny to The man because he let out a loud chuckle.


Hesitantly, I opend my mouth. She shoved the nasty crispy meat in my mouth and clapped both hands over so I was forced to chew and swallow. I swear I just ate human liver.

" Very good! Now that wasn't so hard was it?? Now you can know what it was! See how that works? Obey and get rewared. Not that hard, now is it? " Greg smirk like a little freaking know-it-all.

"Skrew you." I said. Witch suprised me. I didn't think I said that out loud untill I got slapped across the face.

"Wrong answer." He said, looking at me right in the eye.

That's when he fell to the ground.

I tried to sit up and look, But I was still shackled down. I looked over to the man who was standing by the little light we had in the room, who looked up. There, standing at the bottom of the stair case, was Dan.

"What the hell do you think your doind down here??!" The man yelled at Dan.

"He was gonna kill her!"

"That is none of your concern. You just killed greg. If I was you, I would get back upstairs. Now."

"Dad this isn't fair!"

"I'll show you what isn't fair." The man said, walking toward Dan with a pizza cutter in his hand. He hands Dan the pizza cutter, and tells him to slice open my arm. I cringe at the thought. Was he going to do it? Oh no. Dan looked at me with a pained look in his eyes.

"No." He says, throwing the cutter to the ground.


Dan was laying on the floor, unconscious.

" Guess I'll have to deal with you myself."

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