Jack's mother placed the food she'd made down on the table, it was one of Jack's favorites, chicken scampi. Mark saw Jack's eyes light up as she placed it down, instantly grabbing as much as he could, making Mark smile as he watched the boy, shove a large spoon full into his mouth, the long strands of pasta hanging from his mouth as he had trouble eating the massive amount of food in his mouth. Mark laughed at him, taking a picture of the other as he struggled with his meal. Jack instantly flipped Mark off as he took the picture, making him laugh harder. Jack's mother watched with amusement at how the two acted.

Once Mark calmed down he got some pasta as well, the smile on his face unable to be wiped away as he took bites of the meal.


"That was amazing, how on earth did you become that good of a cook?" Mark inquired, seriously needing to know so he could cook it at home.

"Ah, well I am nothing compared to Jack, he is excellent, he usually makes dinner but I had the week off so I gave him a break." Debbie replied.

"Jack you gotta teach me how to cook sometime, my mom doesn't make dinner much anymore, she works all the time..." Mark bit at his lip, smiling softly. Jack nodded with a huge smile plastered to his face. Jack loved being around Mark and wanted to always be with him, he was always so much happier with the other boy, he didn't quite know why...


Jack was laying in the grass in his backyard staring into the night sky, the stars shining bright in the gloom of the evening, his phone placed on his chest as he waited to get a text from Mark. Jack yawned, watching the world move around him. Jack loved the sky, even before his dad had gone he loved to just lay outside and watch the universe twirl around him. Jack also loved this because no matter where he went, the sky never changed, even though it was technically changing all the time it's always there. Jack relied on the sky to keep him sane, Jack considered this a pastel as well, it was just like Mark, perfect and majestic. This was the one part of home that he still had...The small boy felt his phone vibrate on his chest and grabbed it instantly, seeing Mark's name on his screen.

Mark: Hey Jacky! Whatcha doin?

Jack: Watching the sky... you?

Mark: That sounds like a good idea! I'm bored as fuck, imam do that.

Jack: I love the sky, it's the one part of home that I still have.

Mark: What do you mean?

Jack: I moved here from Ireland and I miss it so much Mark... I really want to go back but I can't, all I have left of home is the sky, it's pretty much always the same no matter where you go.

Mark: I've never thought of it that way... I love the way you can describe things when I can't, I can never find the words for things... They seem to come to you so easily, I wish that was the same for me.

Jack: Well when you're stuck talking to yourself for almost ten years, you kind of become good at things like that...

Mark: Maybe I should stop talking for a while, then maybe I could find a way to describe you...

Mark typed the message again and again, deleting it, again and again. He finally came up with the one he sent, hoping it didn't sound too off-putting. Mark really did need some way of describing the boy, he was special and very different, and he was unique. Mark had taken so long to respond that Jack ended up dozing off waiting for a reply, causing Mark to believe he went too far.

"I'm sorry Jack..."


"Jack! You slept outside all night!? You could've been killed!" Jack's mother woke him from his sleep, he was damp and his body was achy from sleeping on the hard ground, Jack moaned, opening his eyes and stretching his tired body. He pulled himself off of the ground and stood, his phone falling and crashing against the ground. Jack bent down and picked it up, checking his notifications, seeing a message from Mark. Jack's mother had retreated to the house once he'd gotten up so he just plopped back down into the dew covered grass.

"Fuck..." Jack whispered to himself as he opened it, he read the message, blushing violently.

Jack: Awe! I'm so sorry though, I fell asleep watching the stars!

Mark: Oh thank god! I thought you got all awkward and were never gonna talk to me again!

Jack: I like being around you too much to do that Marky! You da best!

Mark and Jack went back and forth texting like this for hours, flirting subtly without even realizing it. They were the best of friends and both of them knew it, Jack just refused to admit that he'd let someone in again, he swore he never would, but he had and he loved it.

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