Circle: Part Two

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I watched him, large amber eyes watched me back. I don't think I like him.

His claws were far longer than any creature should find necessary, in fact I'm pretty sure if he tried to use them he'd find they were too awkward to.

Still he stared at me.

This creature or abomination had chased me through the library, a terrifying experience to say the least.

I didn't like him.

Those amber eyes still watched me.

Just before mild insanity took me the amber eyed creature turned away and disappeared around a bend. I was more than happy to see it go but unfortunately I knew with my library being round, eventually it would return. So I followed, maybe we would stay away from each other for eternity.

An unlikely happening but a possible one all the same.

Instead of walking forever I found where this creature had entered, though this doorway hadn't been present as I'd run from it. Surely I would have taken the new space in hopes of liberation from this prison.

My thoughts soared the moment I saw it and the brisk walk became a sprint in mere seconds, freedom! That's what was offered, even if the amber eyed thing was there, he didn't seem interested in injuring me.

So I ran out, my feet sliding across the carpeted floor with my haste and sudden attempt to stop. It was dark.

The world outside was dark, incredibly so.

My eyes almost couldn't adjust to the sudden change so I stood a silhouette in the doorway of light to my library but also to my freedom. Never had the dark been so wonderful, so beautiful, and so welcome.

I stared into nothingness for a long time, the amber eyes my only hesitation. Would it follow me? Was this where it came from? Where it belonged.

Should I truly leap from my reality, my ground and into this unknown?


The word rose from me, spoken into the dark like a golden butterfly, its wings fluttering. I was surprised when a butterfly was actually birthed from my mouth and released into the air, so my imagination literally took flight.

I stepped into the darkness, just a small hesitant step when everything became dark. I spun back to my library and found it gone, nothing but a dark grey sky over a black horizon. My sanctuary was gone.

Trying to push away the place knowing I'd shunned it before leaving, I still couldn't help but feel a fool for ever walking from those doors. Sure I knew every plot and every book but it had been comfortable.

I turned back to the amber eyed creature and made the decision to trust what it desired, not necessarily the best option but it would give me a companion.

"Where are we going?" The question was asked of deaf ears, the creature didn't move, I glare at it. This was not helpful, turning back to the grey sky I began to walk, only to hear a snort. The great beast was laughing at me.

"What is it?" The eyes were gone nearly causing me to panic, but the faintest of highlights shone on the outline of the seemingly bearlike creature. I followed it into the gloom.

And for a long time it was just that, gloom. Until finally the sky broke a pale blue, like the sunrise but without a sun. After so long with nothing but books, treasured books but still only books, I stared as if it were my first time to see such a sight.

In some ways it was, never had I watched a black starless sky turn blue, only to become violet, then red, and orange. Finally it faded from yellow to a dark vivid green, somehow brightly light but dark. I marveled at it, talking such a sight as a wonderful blessing.

It was after the sky had settled that I noticed the house. Not overly large but not small either. It almost, somehow, just seemed the perfect size.

I followed the creature down to it, a sloping hill dotted with trees and wild flowers, grass swaying gracefully in the wind. I enjoyed the sensation of the prickly blades sashaying across my calves. What a wonderful place. Peaceful and blissfully wonderful. I could imagine nothing better.

A woman stood with a man outside, they were kissing between white hung sheets. They seemed to have been hung for a long time, frayed edges and a dull white, if that was possible. The couple parted as two children came running around the side off the house, across the back.

There was something vaguely familiar about all of this, these people and this place. Only I'd never been here and had never seen them before. So I watched half vacantly as I tried to figure their identities.

Nothing came, just that uneasy feeling that I knew them. So I went directly to the smiling couple.

The woman became paler than the sheets the moment she saw my face, I didn't understand why. She obviously remembered me even if I couldn't hope to place her.

I smiled at her, death had truly mellowed my typical greet and kill method.

"Hello, I'm Elly." I held my smile and my hand out. The woman took neither but instead simply appeared frozen. Had I killed her?

She didn't look anymore dead than I was, yet I was near certain this was the land off nothing more than the dead. Yet I would hope to remember who I'd killed. Perhaps it was my mother, we were often said to look alike.

The children came round again and I was instantly enthralled  their excitement and cheer, perhaps it was simply because this woman had none.

Ether way I sank down to their eyes level and greeted them warmly. The woman made a strangled noise as I reached out to touch the children's hair. I suddenly missed my own child. I glanced up at the woman as she snatched the boy and girl back from me.

Her eyes were wide and filled with tears, she couldn't seem to find words. I glanced back at the children, a little boy and a young girl.

I knew why she looked familiar. I had killed her daughter.

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