Toy Box

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1876- summer, warm, three

They were walking too slow; every one of my steps were two of their's. But still they took the small little steps, these three were insulting my abilities, I doubt they know what's planned.

Smiling with the thought I continued leading them to my special place, the perfect place.

The girls were watching the horizon casting back an occasional glance at me, I doubt they expected to be forced through the timber this morning.

The only disappointing part was their lack of fear, when I told them to follow me they had come with small laughs and few concerns. They were supposed to be terrified, but it wasn't working. I had even gone to walk behind them, every question they asked I didn't answer.

They asked a lot too. Where are we going? What's your name? Where are your parents? None of the question were asked with fear. No, they were all curious about me. They weren't supposed to be curious. They weren't allowed to be curious.

I glared at their next question,

"Where did you say we were going?" When the girl's head turned to face me I smiled brightly and said cheerily,

"To my special place. My toy box." Skipping ahead of them I made sure not to get too far from them. You would think they would be faster, especially because they had school, but no. They walked like they had all day, which they didn't. I should know, I watch them. Everyday.

They shared sighs at my words but I ignored it hoping they would be curious of what I wanted to show them. But I could tell they were loosing interest, if I didn't do something quick I would lose them before my special place. And that wasn't the plan.

But thankfully suddenly I'm standing on a cliff. Running to the edge I beckon them forward. The bones are waiting, lots of them too.

"Its over here! Come on!" I yell gleefully, skipping back to them. I manage them to be sure they walk at the same pace. I need them to reach my cliff at the same time. My first friends hadn't and I found out that day they tended to run when a nine-year-old starts shoving them into her toy bin. At least I think I'm nine, my Mommy left a long time ago, she was my first toy. I didn't have to put her away she did it for me, my Mommy is really nice and her bones are really pretty white. But she was dead before I could poke her. I only hoped these ones wouldn't die as fast as her.

The kids walked to the edge and I had my perfect chance, they didn't look back because they hadn't looked down. I found they often did that after looking down, one toy almost pulled me down with him. I had to kick him when he got to the bottom to let him know that wasn't allowed. That's how my Mommy showed me I did something wrong. But I didn't always know what it was so I had to ask her, I guess that was wrong too because I would get a kick for that. But now she lives in my toy bin.

They glanced down and I smiled real big. Running to them I yelled,

"Now you can join!" They felt my hands I'm sure, but then they got to feel the cliff. I watched as they tumbled down, it was funny. One girl screamed the whole way down, the other girl made it before her friends. She stared at me, her eyes open. I knew that stare, she left. Yelling in frustration I began my descent forgetting to watch my favorite part. When I reached the bottom all my toys were in the toy box. I saw that the staring girl was missing the back of her head, so I punished her. Kicking her face gave satisfaction when I saw blood leaking over her eyes. I hate it when they leave, that's why I need new toys. The old ones are fun, but they have to talk back, ask questions. Otherwise they're useless, except for the bones, the animals always had the skin gone after they left in a few days. Not that I care, I like playing in their red water. It was thicker than the river I used to take my bones in.

But that was before someone stole my toys, they took two of my bones. So I added them to my toy box.

The paper floated to the ground. A nine-year-old was responsible for all the disappearances? How could that be? No one live in this old shack, so how did this paper get here? Trying to continue reading the officer held back his disbelief.

Now I have two new toys that talk to me, I have 22 toys! I thin, I can't remember and my Mommy only taught me to count to ten, but I made it to ten four times. So I have 22. I think.



"Do you want to join my toy box?" It was a small voice only a little timid.

"No." The officer said sternly, trying to find the little girl who had spoken. When his eyes finally did find the boy, but something was wrong, he looked no more than five. The kid writing though he was nine. Just then a woman stepped out, when she saw him her glee was evident.

"Now you can join the toy box!" There was a squeak of terror, and a scuffling sound before the woman tisked. Disappearing into the shadows she pulled out a man, his leg was crooked and deformed, and a large indented scar on his face suggested he might have taken a trip down this toy box cliff. He was struggling the escape the woman' grasp and as wiry as she looked the officer doubted she was weak.

"Come see the toy box." The shy little boy quickly got over his with the presence of this man. If this paper was right there was a bone yard somewhere and it sounded like it wasn't going to be easy to find. The officer smiled,

"Yeah, I'd like that." He said softly, but he wasn't expecting the woman to fly at him. His word was dark in an instant.


1934- Autumn, chilly, one

I found an policeman today, he had and grandma's paper, she always liked to write about her toy box, and I do too. Momma and me took the man to the toy box and let him wake up before we put him in. But he said something really funny when he saw our toy box.

"It's an ocean!" Then I got to push him in! Later I asked Momma what an ocean was and she said it was a really big blue place. I don't think our toy box is blue but the bones sometimes become the sky.

Momma told me the bones looked like waves and when I asked her what waves were she said they were like blue bones. I guess our toy box is really big, Momma said an ocean is a big blue place. A long time ago we flattened the bones because they were getting so tall the our dolls were starting too run away after we put them away. But the officer said he wanted to see it so we let him, then we pushed him. I got to use my bone to make him a doll forever.

Jason :)

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