“You get changed, okay? I’ll be outside.”

He pulled away from me to look into my eyes. I could tell he was worried about me. I nodded and gave him a nervous smiled.

I watched as he stepped out of the door. I looked at the bag that held my clothes. I unzipped the bag and pulled my make-up. I hated wearing anything other than eye make-up. I put some mascara and eye shadow to define my big brown eyes. I felt slightly better but when I looked in the mirror, I could see how tired I was. My face was pale and I had little shadows under my eyes from when Leo and I had broken up. Just thinking about it made me wince.

There was a knock at my door. I sighed and hurried over to open it. I was expecting Leo to be there but it was the woman with the clipboard.

“Yes?” I asked.

“You’re next. You’ll be there in two minutes. Please follow me.” She told me sharply.

I frowned at her. “Sorry, but where is my teacher?”

“He had a phone call. He is currently outside.” She told me.

“Well can’t I wait until he gets back?”

She frowned at me. “I’m sorry but you need to be ready. I have to get you near the stage now.”

“I’m not going until he gets back.” I protested.

She scowled at me. “You have to go. You’re going to be late if you don’t come now.”

“No, I’m sorry but I’m not moving until he gets back.” I told her stubbornly.


She got cut off by some-one on her walkie-talkie.

“We have a Mr Hudson here from Brookdale.” The walkie-talkie said.

“Okay, we’ll be there in a minute.” She said.

She looked up at me, clearly annoyed.

“He’s near the stage. Can you come now?”

I smiled and nodded. I quickly packed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

The woman led me through a load of corridors. I started to feel bad again. I had a sinking feeling.

I was glad when I caught sight of Leo. I soon realized that he wasn’t in a good mood. He was pacing up and down before he finally noticed me. His face was worried and his eyes told me that he was in pain. He looked at me and grimaced. He looked at the woman with the clipboard.

“Will you give us a minute? This is urgent.” He told her.

She looked as though she wanted to protest but Leo’s fierce expression made her shut her mouth. She nodded at him and pointed to a door down the corridor.

Leo gestured for me to follow. We walked over to the door and Leo pushed it open roughly. He was starting to scare me. I flicked on the light and stepped into what looked like the prop room.

“Leo, what’s going on?” I asked, taking his hand.

He sighed and looked into my eyes, clearly worried about something.

“Look, Lils, promise me that you won’t freak out.” He whispered.

“It depends… Please Leo, tell me.” I pleaded.

He took a deep breath and sighed. “It’s your Dad. He had a heart attack.”

My heart leapt and my knees buckled. Everything went black.

The Lost Friends (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن