Leo was standing in front of the Principle’s desk and Mr Claxton was pacing behind the desk. I stepped into the room. Both of them turned to acknowledge my presence.

“Ah, Miss Worthington, come inside.” he told me.

His tone was stern and he looked worried. It was weird to see as usually he was laid back.

I shot Leo a terrified look and stepped into the room.  Leo’s face was completely emotionless. He didn’t say anything. I could see in his eyes that he was worried and alarmed.

“Mr Willow told me to come here.” I told him.

He nodded.

I stepped inside and stood beside Leo. We both faced him as he resumed his pacing.

“You see, yesterday, I took my wife and my kids to see a movie.”

I groaned internally. He had seen us at the movies! Crap, crap, crap!

“We watched the new Harry Potter movie.” He said, looking up at us. “And do you know what I saw there?”

We both shook our heads.

“I saw you two. Together. You were sitting the back side by side.” He told us. “At first I thought it was merely a coincidence but then I saw you sharing a bucket of popcorn and then drinking off of the same straw. I didn’t know what to make of it. I spent the whole night thinking about it and it didn’t make sense. Miss Worthington, you’re a bright student, you get straight As and you have done since you started here. Mr Hudson, you have told us and shown that being a teacher means the world to you. You made many of our young ladies swoon but constantly complained. It didn’t make sense to see a straight A student with a teacher which values his career so much. So please explain what you were both doing at the movies yesterday because to be honest, it seemed like a date.”

He was staring at us with his piercing gaze. I didn’t dare sneak a glance at Leo. I couldn’t let him lose his job over this; I definitely could not have him go to jail! What was I going to do?!

“Well you see…” Leo started.

“Well, it goes back to our childhood, Mr Claxton.” I said, cutting in, letting my instincts control my mouth. “Mr Hudson and I used to be family friends when I lived in New York.”

“That’s right; our Moms went to college together.” Leo said, following my lead.

“Yeah, we spent a lot of time together. We were like siblings. But around seven years ago, I moved to L.A. We hadn’t seen each other since.”

“At first we didn’t recognize each other.” Leo said.

“But then Mom heard about Mr Hudson’s first name and then she remembered who he is.” I explained.

“And so we went over for dinner.” Leo said.

“Yeah and that’s when we sort of hit it off. Everything went back to how used to be like. Leo used to be a lot like my big brother and that’s what it’s like now.” I said, begging myself not to cringe.

“And so yesterday, Lily had come over to have dinner and so we decided to go and watch a movie.”

“We’re both massive Harry Potter fans.” I told him.

I saw Leo roll his eyes from the corner of my eye.

“You do know that I will be checking with both of your parents.” He said.

“My parents wouldn’t know, they were out last night.” I told him truthfully.

“Yes well, I’ll check about your relationships. This would have been a very serious matter.” He said. “I will have teachers keep an eye on you both.”

The Lost Friends (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now