My Dancer

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Dalton Rapattoni P.O.V 

"Would you like to dance with me?" I held my hand out for her, hoping she wouldn't refuse. Her face was shadowed but I could tell she was beautiful. Her hand touched mine and I felt lightning. Her nails were painted black like my own, and her hand felt like silk. I wonder how soft the rest of her skin is. I smiled inwardly at the thought and pulled her to the dance floor. She wasn't wearing anything extravagant, skinny jeans and a dress shirt with a tie. Her chestnut hair was pulled up and showed off her earings. Three, that is so sexy. My mind swam with the possibilites of her facial features. I saw blue, no green eyes. Soft lines around her lips because of her smile and dimples. I really wanted her to have dimples. The Tango started and we danced. The mood was angry, a lovers quarrel. We moved in sync, her body like an extension of my own. The melody changed quicker than I could snap and it was apologetic. My hands glided down her body, caressing her. Her hands followed mine and grabbed them at her hips. She stepped forward, dragging me with her. As the dance finished, I leaned down, nuzzling into the crook of her neck on the last note as I supported her body. I need to taste her skin. I nipped her collarbone and she let a small gasp escape. I went to lathe the sting away with my tongue, but she escaped my grasp and ran. Stunned I looked for her, trying to catch her gaze. 

"Dalton! Come on dude, were going to be late!" I jolted out of bed, trying to savor the last wisps of the dream. I rubbed my calloused fingers together, trying to feel the silken sensation of her hand in mine. I shook my head and threw some jeans and a muscle shirt on. I grabbed my comb and eyeliner and ran down the stairs, tripping over my feet as I went. I climbed into the car, using the rear view mirror to do my eyeliner and fix my bedhead. Eben pulled out of the driveway and we headed towards the XIX building. 


I was waiting for my turn in the booth on the couch. I had my eyes closed, putting together my dancer. My phone went off, ruining the fantasy. I checked the caller I.D and saw that it was Maddie. I frowned at the screen before accepting the call. 

"Hey Maddie...I don't know lunch sounds iffy...No I'm at the studio with the boys...Okay, dinner sounds good...There's a diner a few blocks away, we could go there. Cole said the food was amazing...Okay pick you up at seven...Love you too. Bye." I felt terrible after hanging up. SInce the wedding a few weeks ago, I've fallen out of love with Maddie more and more each day. I didn't want to hurt her though, because what if I never saw my dream girl again. I'd lose Maddie and my mind. Her and the boys were the only things keeping me grounded. Dana stepped out of the booth and Gabe took his place. Cole scooted over beside me and gave me a 'bromance hug'. I welcomed the comfort he was trying to provide. 

"What's got you looking so down Dalton? You've been miserable since the wedding." I sighed and tried to figure out where to start. Before I could say anything Gabe was out of the booth and I was taking his place. I closed my eyes and imagined my dancer and started singing when the music came on. 

"You're the moon girl, Oh. Look how you light up the room girl, Oh. And I like spending every day, day, day, da da da day yeah, day, day, day with you." I started singing the chorus to our song Zero Gravity. After I finished Cole took my place and I mouthed the words 'later' to him. He nodded and started singing. This is going to be one hell of a long day. Can't wait till I can sleep again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2013 ⏰

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