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"MIKKI ARE YOU OKAY?!?! MIKKI ANSWER ME!!! MIKKI!!!" I am screaming her name over and over again. She doesnt react to it at all. She just lays on the floor with her eyes half closed. I had pulled out the thick cloth from her mouth but she still said nothing. I pick her up bridal style and slowly carry her to her room. Once in her room, i look down at her face. I see tear streaks coming from her eyes. I lay her in the bed gently. I sit on a coffin next to her an i start thinking. I think about when i first saw her. When she crawled through the tree, i remember seeing her hair. I thought her natural hair was just like mine, but when she fainted, the wig caught in the tree and i grabbed it and brought it back with her and me. I then realize. I get up and open the coffin im sitting in. Her things are in it. Her wig just like my real hair and it indeed is longer than she is. Folded next to the wig, are her shorts and shirt and flip flops. I see a shine of something in the candle light. Its sticking out of the pocket of her shorts. I pull out the case of plastic. Its a contacts case. It has a pair of green eye contacts inside. "She must really admire me" i whisper.

I become curious and look in the other pocket and pull out a folded piece of paper. I open it up and see an amazingly drawn picture of me. On the back was a letter...talking about me....

"most people like this man, Undertaker, because he is funny. I love his humor, but thats not the reason. i love this man. Undertaker. i dont know why i do...but i LOVE him. full out LOVE this man! its so hard to explain my feelings for him. if he was real, i would never leave his sight. i want HIM to collect my soul if i must die. i wish i could become a reaper like him so we could be together. i would die literally if i finally get to him and he totally rejects me. horrific. its so diffictult to describe my feelings for him! crap...running out of room. well...anyway...i love the Undertaker more than my heart allows me to! I LOVE YOU, UNDERTAKER!

                                                      ~Love, Kenzie <3"


i smile as i finish the letter she had written about me for herself. i hold the letter close to me tightly then i fold the paper up and put the contacts and picture back in the pockets of her shorts. i turn around to look at my dear Mikki. if only she knew i have started to fall for her...and now seeing her like this...she is breaking my heart that has never actually felt love...

i realize that she shouldnt be very hurt as she is now from having only a cloth in her mouth and lightly falling to the floor. i walk into the other room and pick up the thick clother laying on the ground from when i took it out of Mikki's mouth. i put it under my nose and sniff. i get lightheaded at the strong smell. "liquid opium mixed with strong alcohol" i say, identifying the smell from the cloth. anger boils inside of me. i squeeze the cloth so hard in my anger that the liquids actually start to drip out of the cloth. i slam the cloth into the waste basket and make my way to Mikki's room. one of her hands is plam-up and i reach one of my hands down and slowly close my fingers, holding her hand as her hand still lays open under the grip of mine. i use my other hand to slowly stroke some soft locks of her hair.

Taken Under By The Love Of The Undertaker ( Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu