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as i walk more into the room, i realize it isnt a room at all. it is a long hallway with doors lining both walls. i get the urge to use the restroom then open a few doors until i finally find a bathroom. i hear a few footsteps and then a door open and close as i am in the bathroom. i sounded near, yet far.

once i finish using the restroom, i set out to find the door that had been opened then closed shortly after opening. i knew what door it was by the temperature on the door knob. the others were cool from being untouched, then one was warmer than the others. i wander down the hall further and it starts to get very dark. i had left the matches in the bathroom on accident. i decide not to turn back because i really want to keep going. soon, everything is pretty much black because there is no source of light around me or anywhere at all. suddenly, a strong hand grabs my arm and pulls me into a pitch black room. i hear the door close and i am picked up and put on a real bed. suddenly, i feel a pair of lips on my own and i gasp a little, allowing the mysterious man to slip his tongue into my mouth as he kisses me. i feel hands rubbing my cheeks and long, but not sharp, finger nails lightly grazing over my neck, giving me the shivers and goosebumps. i keep struggling to pull away, but i keep getting kissed more and more by the mysterious man. then, i get one more kiss and it all stops.

i felt my body get lighter and i heard the door open quickly then close just as quickly. the mystery man dissappeared from the room. i get up quickly nd run out the door, chasing the sound of footsteps coming fromthe direction i came from. suddenly, the footsteps fade away and i hear someone call.

"Mikki?!?! Mikki where are you?!?!" i hear. that was no doubt Adrien's voice. it was distant and just after i scream "ADRIEN!!" i am grabbed and i cant get free. the arms holding me were the same ones that had my pinned to the bed just moments ago. i knew those arms werent Adrien's. i just knew it. Adrien was much more gentle with me, and i couldnt say anything about the kiss being his or not, since Adrien had never kissed me...well...only on the head, then he flipped out and ran off to bed.

The mysterious man keeps his grip tight on me and continues to run in the direction towards where i entered the hall. the man had stuffed something in my mouth, not allowing me to scream for help. The hall starts to slowly brighten and i can tell we are approaching the beginning of the hallway. He runs through the door and just as he runs through it, i fall to the ground along with the man.

Adrien had tackled the man. The reaper and mysterious man fight, then the man disappears through the front door. Adrien rushes towards me. My vision is blurry and i cant breathe very well. I see Adriens mouth opening, as if screaming, but the screams sound so distant.

Taken Under By The Love Of The Undertaker ( Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji )Where stories live. Discover now