"Oh, and one more thing,"he spoke into the microphone,"I want to invite the love of my life onto the stage."

The crowd aww'd and cooed as she blushed and walked hesitantly onto the stage, where an hour before she had felt so comfortable, she now felt antsy. He gave her a reassuring smile and took the microphone off the stand.

"I just thought that our fans are a big part of both of our lives and they should witness this big milestone,"he spoke without looking at the crowd.

Then, in a blur, he was on his knee looking up at her with a hopeful smile, the mic still held up next to his mouth. She numbly felt tears start pooling in her eyes before falling down her cheeks.

"Izzy, you are truly the love of my life. You've been there always, even after I hurt you. I never should have done that, but now thinking back on it, I don't regret it. Sure, it was torture being without you those few years and seeing you with another man, but in some way I think that it brought us closer than ever. It made me realize how truly important you were to me, and still are. I only hope that you feel the same way. The last six years have been the best of my life, because you were there with me. And I hope to make the rest of my life just as special. I want you to be by my side, be mine, forever. So Iz, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"his heart was racing, hoping with all of his heart that she gave a postive answer.

Throughout the speech she hadn't looked away from his gorgeous honey eyes, her hands covering her mouth in shock. Even through the tears, she had managed to focus on his face. Now, her focus was forced to his hand, roughened by guitar callouses, which was holding out a stunningly beautiful diamond ring inside of a pristine black velvet jewelry box.

The mere seconds that it took her to finally answer, seemed like years to Luke, but he somehow managed to keep the hopeful smile on his face throughout the whole endeavor.

"Of course,"she finally said, frantically wiping at the tears streaming down her face, wiping off the little bit of make-up that had managed to stay on throughout her performance.

His smile grew with relief, a returning one on his now fiance's face as well. He gently grabbed the ring out of the box, and placed it on her outstretched ring finger. Then, he stood up and picked up the girl of his dreams, her brunette hair flying out behind her in gently curls as he spun the mboth around before putting her down and kissing her until they were both gasping for breath.

Though the crowd had gone silent during the heartfelt speech, as soon as those two words came out of Isabelle's mouth, they burst on in cheers, not that the two lovebirds noticed. Now, as they pulled away, they took in the enormous crowd whooping, some of them even crying. Izzy blushed a bright red, making her look even more beautiful in Luke's opinion.

"Good night Tennessee!"he called into the crowd, which also happened to hold their closest friends and family in the front row, since it was a hometown show. She barely caught Jess's discreet wink as she was pulled off the stage by her sweaty fiance.

However, mere minutes after they had made it to her dressing room, her family and friends burst through the door, some of them in tears and others sending her bright smiles. Her parents engulfed her in a massive group hug, her mothers tears falling onto her shoulder. She patted their backs and sent them happy smiles before moving over to Luke's mom.

"Hey future daughter-in-law,"she teased, not a trace of tears on her face. Izzy just laughed and hugged the petite woman.

Next, came her friends. She accepted their congratulations with a smile and a 'thank you'. Finally, she came to stand in front of a tall, brunette boy. No, not the one that stole away her heart, but the one that she was oh-so lucky to have. The scar was still very prominent on his forehead, though now it shone against his tan skin a pale, puckered pink.

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