Chapter 2 - Before the Kiss

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Emily's POV

*Five weeks earlier*

I open my eyes, and can hear my mother calling me down for breakfast, "Emily! Time to get up for school, I made you banana pancakes!".

"Just a minute. I'll be right down!" I reply exhaustedly. Just the day before I had a swimming practise for three hours straight.. Three hours! I felt ready though, I really wanted to get sponsored for Hester High University, where I would finally become a professional swimmer and continue my career into the olympics! Big dream for a 16 year old, I know, but I there's nothing I'd want more! Except maybe Alison Dilaurentis, I think to myself. Oh the wonders and horrors of that girl, she excites me.

"Emily!!", my mother shouts, suddenly waking me up from my day dream and back to reality.

I throw on some shaded-blue ripped jeans, a hipster dream-catcher top which Ali once complimented me on, a black bomber jacket and my high-top black converse. Oh, and a few bracelet bands for decoration.

I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen, to where I am greeted cheerfully by my mother, "good morning sweet heart! Did you sleep well?" She asks.

"Morning mom, I did thank you! How about you?" I reply politely.

She places a plate full of banana pancakes, topped with strawberries and cream in front of me, and with a delightful smile she says, "I did thank you.. And I'm glad you did too! You're going to need it for your big competition tomorrow! Are you nervous? Oh, do you have practise today? I can drop you off at practise if you like?", she soon begins going into a question frenzy.

I place my hand on hers, which was now tensing up with excitement, "mom.. Calm down" I say laughing.. "I've been practising like crazy, and today I have one last hour at school to prepare for tomorrow and after that, I'm going to come home, have dinner, go to sleep early and when I wake up, I'm going to make sure I get the nutrition I need hours before so that it digests nicely, and then we're going to go to the competition where I confidently feel I can win if I try hard enough" I say  reassuringly.

She looks at me with a proud, beaming smile.. Only causing me to smile back widely, "I Love you mom".

"I Love you too sweetie", she returns.

"Right mom.. As much as I'm enjoying this moment between us right now.. I need to go to school!" I say quickly, realising the time.

She drives me to school, where I am greeted by my four best friends.. Hanna, Aria, Spencer and the leader of our group, Alison. Also known as the girl I have a huge crush on.

As I get out the car, Ali leaps to me and latches onto my arm, "hey em! How's my favourite brunette doing?" She asks with a subtle wink and cute smirk.

I try to speak but I'm only able to smile and gaze into her crystal-blue eyes.. We make our way to class, me and Ali have French together, the others go off to their own classes.

As we walk in, Miss. Laurel orders everyone to get into partners, Me and Ali immediately run to each other and to the corner of the classroom where we all then continue to help eachother with revision before our exam next week.

"bonjour ma dame , comment vous et moi in Pari douce?" She asks looking at me brightly.. I look at her wonderingly. "I can tell you're confused.. Let me translate for you" .. "Hello my lady, how about you and me In Sweet Pari?" She says with a reminder of our experience last year.

God I Loved that experience last year.. She talked about us running away to Paris together.. Going on-top of the Eiffel Tower where the wind blows calmly..

I begin to go back into a day dream again until I'm interrupted by Alison stroking my hair.. She leans forward and whispers, "come round tonight.. 5pm, don't be late. You don't want to keep me waiting".

I breathe warmly on her neck, unable to reply.. My lips quivering for more.

Don't worry em.. You'll Love it, I promise you", she remarks and nibbles my ear tenderly.

I move back to where we meet eye to eye, "umm.. Okay, I'll see you tonight.. I'll be the one in the new red dress I bought yesterday" I say trying to change the tensing subject.

"I'll be the one in my underwear" she replies.

What does she mean? Is she messing with me again? Oh god, what do I actually wear! Should I shave? Oh god, I'm so nervous..

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