Chapter 1: Last Day

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Reader's POV

"So what we get drunk. So what we smoke weed. We're just having fun, we don't care who sees."

I rolled over, grabbing my phone swiftly from my nightstand, lazily answering the call.


"(Y/N)! Get up! It's the last day of school!"

"Alexia, I honestly don't care. I might just stay home." I groaned, going to hang up the call, when my window slides open. I sat up quickly, to see Alexia crawl through my window. I snarled, glaring at her as she turned her phone off and threw it on my dresser. 

"I knew you might say that lazy bones." She grinned, pulling the blankets off of my bed. I flopped back onto my bed, trying to stay in my own warmth. A pair of hands wrapped around my ankles and attempted to drag me from my sleep, and I just clawed at the bed.

"Alexia no!" I shouted, kicking back at her. But before I could get a good grip on my sheets, she had me on the floor, and was dragging me towards my dresser. Pulling out a bra, jeans, and a t-shirt, she threw them into my arms.

"Go change."


"Go!" She yelled, causing me to stand up with a chorus of 'okay's. I stumbled to the bathroom, glancing at the mirror as I passed it. Vibrant (H/C) hair, inquisitive (E/C) eyes, soft (S/C) skin, everything that made up my features. I had learned at a young age to be grateful for what I had, and I turned that towards my appearance. No matter what anyone said, I'm sexy as hell and I know it.

I toss off my pajama's lazily, and slip on my clothes. White jeans, black shirt, all simple really. I brushed my hair quickly, before walking back into my room. Alexia was holding up a pair of socks and combat boots, and threw them at me as I came out of my bathroom. I caught them with ease, slipping them on, before following her out of my room and down the stairs.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs.(L/N)!"

Oh god.

"Alexia? How'd you get in?"

"She crawled through my window." I groaned, coming into the kitchen shortly after her.

My parents were just about to head to work, and were rushing around trying to get the house together. My little brother sat on the couch, flipping through the channels on the TV. He was the last to leave everyday. I didn't understand why they insisted on trying to fix everything.

"Alright (N/N), have a good day at school!" My father called, walking out the door. My mother came up to me, kissing my forehead, wishing me luck on the last day of school, before leaving as well.

As soon as my parents were gone, Alexia was up on the counter, kicking her feet in anticipation.

"So, are you excited about the trip?" She asked, her grinned widening at my smirk.

"I'm still surprised all of our parents agreed to let us go by ourselves." I replied, grabbing a soda from our fridge.

"I know right! We are gonna be seniors next year though, so they may just want us to have some more experiences." Alexia replied, jumping off the counter and leaning against it. I nodded in agreement, heading back to my room. My (F/C) walls shined more at this time of day, as I grabbed my purse and tossed Alexia her phone.

"Careful with that thing, it cost $600." She snapped, cradling the phone to her chest. I just rolled my eyes walking past her. 

Alexia and I had known each other since second grade, and she quickly become a sibling to me. Eight years later, she was still here, and we were still partners in crime. With her long brown hair, and tan skin, she was the more pursued out of the two of us, but it never bothered me. Guys are pigs, and I don't want any of those fuck boys giving me attention.

"Did you hear about the monsters in the north? They are increasing, and are gonna start seeking residence down in the south. I honestly don't think they'll get very far, the south isn't forgiving. It's sad really, I would love to befriend some of them." I said, my eyes twinkling at the thought of the knew people that inhabited our country.

You see, ever since the monsters rose from Mount Ebott in Ohio, I have not been able to contain my excitement. All the magic and mystery that hides behind their species intrigues me.

"Monsters lives revolve around their souls. What do you think your soul color is?" Alexia asked, looking over at me. I thought for a moment.

"Maybe perseverance? I'm unsure though. I think you would be either kindness or bravery." I replied, shoving Alexia's shoulder. She just giggled, checking the time on her phone.

"Well, looks like it's time to go to school for the last time for a few months." Alexia chuckled, walking to my front door. I followed close behind, flipping off my little brother as I passed. He did the same as I walked outside and shut the door.

As Alexia and I walked down the street, I felt my heart skip at the though of new adventures this summer.

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