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Laura felt her soul rise up from her body. Suddenly, sweetly, the feeling of pain released from her. She was almost suspended in the air, less dense than everything else in the room. She saw her crying family and poor, sorrow stricken Tobias. She heard the long, extending beep of the machine pronouncing her dead, and someone explaining the inability to revive her. She was so deeply indulged in the scene below her, that she didn't even notice the angel beside her.

"Hello, Laura," greeted a beautiful angel. Her hair was golden and her eyes light. "I'm Amberley."

"Hello," said Laura, not feeling weird at all about this strange experience.

"Whenever you're ready, I'd like to escort you to your Home," she smiled a warm smile.

Laura genuinely smiled back. "I'm ready."

Amberley took her hand and floated with her to an entirely new dimension, inaccessible to humans. No space craft could soar this high and get into this special place.

"God told me a lot about you," smiled Amberley. "You were one of the people I watched often. God said that you'd be coming soon, and gave me the honor of escorting you here."

"I've always wanted to physically meet Him," said Laura, excited. She would finally see Him face to face!

"All who love Him do. It makes sense," she nodded.

Soon, they arrived at a pearly gate with a long, stretched, golden road beyond it. Laura saw a crowd of people gather around, exhilarated at the arrival of someone new. She recognized her late grandparents, but did not know most people in the crowd, yet felt completely connected to them. She supposed it was the bondage of the body of Christ. Laura went through the gate. She didn't walk, but she didn't fly, either. She floated, hovered. She did not tire, was not in any way unsatisfied.

When Laura went through the gate, the crowd parted in two to make a path. At the end of the path, she saw a familiar looking man. He had dark features with bluish, greenish eyes. His hair was brown, and his expression kind. Just like the man she always dreamed of. Naturally, she gravitated towards Him, curious to see who He was.

He read her thoughts. "Laura, I am your Lord and Savior. You always dreamed of a man like Me because your heart was always after Me. Well done, good and faithful servant."

She was breathless, speechless. All she could think to do was fall down at her knees and praise Him. The others reacted the same way, with everlasting, overflowing gratefulness for the sacrifice He paid.

"Come," He said. "Come with Me." He outstretched His hand and Laura took it as they floated down the golden road.

They floated to an area that would most easily and understandably be defined as park or playground for children.

"All of the unborn children come here," He explained. "Also, the children who leave the world young."

They moved back a little further behind the play area where there was a nursery full of babies. "Some of these little ones are miscarriages," He said. "Others are babies whose lives were cut short, very short. For no reason except for selfish ones, they are the aborted ones. I still love them all."

"I'm happy to see they aren't rejected here," said Laura.

"You're right, they aren't. In fact, they are very loved. Everyone here is," He said. "Now, Laura. My Father and I have spoken often of your sincere prayers. We've answered. You are now cancer free, and We know it has always been your dream to be a mother." He led her to a small area with three cradles, each holding a precious little baby. "These little ones are an aborted set of triplets. Two girls and one boy. You are free to name them, and I ask that you would nurture them and be a mother to them."

Laura cried joyful tears, her dreams coming true. "Of course. This one," she said pointing at the boy, "is Marcel. This one," she said pointing at a smiley blue eyed baby, "is Katrina. And this one," she said pointing at the last child, "is Alaina." She smiled, overjoyed with the fact that she now had everything she ever wanted and she was here in the presence of her loving Savior.

"I thought you might pick those names," He smiled, all knowing.

Laura almost couldn't believe how incredibly blessed she was. Some might say that her life was taken, cut short by cancer. If anything, she believed that she beat the disease. She now had everlasting life, peace, love, and joy. She even later came to find out that her mother granted her wish and now knew the Lord. Even Steven came to know Him. All of this proved pain is temporary, hardship is temporary. Sin is temporary. But when you are a child of God, joy, love, and grace is everlasting.

~ "Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5 ~

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