Chapter 2

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        (Unedited and unplanned as fuck once again y'all)

It's been almost a week since Jeannine had seen Seungcheol. She began to wonder if he was uninterested, thus why he hadn't visited her again, leaving her to sulk in her lonely, dark bedroom. She looked up at her ceiling, thoughts about Seungcheol never leaving her mind, and drifted off to sleep, too immersed in her thoughts to be able to hear the doorbell ring.

      When Jeannine woke up from her nap, she noticed her door was yet again open. She also noticed that her was an unopened package on her counter, which wasn't there before. She made her way towards the counter, reaching towards the package. Jeannine opened the package, only to find it filled with her favourite sweets. She took out the sweets, and noticed that there was a slip of paper at the bottom of the box.
The note read: I noticed you were acting kinda weird the first time I met you, so I decided to buy you some sweets to help.
Jeannine smiled at the note. She turned the slip of paper around and noticed that Seungcheol had also left his number on the piece of paper. She decided she would text him when she got back from shopping and headed out the door.
      Seungcheol stopped dancing and wondered if Jeannine had received his package. He worried that he had sounded too cheesy or too creepy in the note. He laughed at the fact that Jeannine never locked her doors. Seungcheol then worried that Jeannine wouldn't talk to him since he came off a little too creepy. He shook his thoughts away and continued with his training. "Maybe she'll call or text me later," Seungcheol thought.


Okay but honestly this is trash so I'll probably end up rewriting this. (Rip I'm sick as fuck and on so many medications so I'm not thinking straight and I'm actually dying in my bed bye)

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