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I sat in the escalade waiting for Ian to come on here. I look outside the window seeing him talking to his homeboy, John.

"Wassup Laikynn"John waved at me.

"Hi"I waved back and hurried raising the window up when his wife came outside. She talk so much. Finally Ian hop in.

"Ready" he said. I nod my head smiling.

"Hurry up and pull off before John wife come over"I sigh. Ian laugh and pull off. As we was driving to the airport, it was very silent till Ian phone ring.

"Hello, hey mama"Ian look at me. I roll my eyes scratching my head. I need some new Malaysian weave or ima try something different. "Nah we leaving to California now, yes mama"

"Hang the phone up"i whisper to him because I don't want to hear his mother bitching.

"Mama, ima call you back"--"bye momma"he hung up and look at me.


"Very"I smile.

"Why you don't like my mother"he ask.

"Because she dont like me, we have beef"I said.

"Where on Facebook, Instagram"

"Snapchat"I said.

"Why the hell she on Snapchat, she to old for that shit"Ian said making me chuckle. I check my Snapchat seeing Kaylee text me.

"I think her granddaughter hook her up or she saw it one of the teens with it"Ian shook his head.

"Ima tell her about that"


Me and Ian walk in the airport looking around. I sigh looking at the long line. "Don't worry baby, I got this"

"Yeah right"I mumble. I watch Ian talk to this man. They shook hands and look at me. Ian waved his hands at me to get me to come on. Finally we got on a this jet and on our way to California.


"Damn this is nice"I said looking at the palm trees. The most beautiful thing was the sunset making the sky look purple. Ian was driving while I was looking around like a child looking at Disneyland.

"We're here"what the hell! A mansion.

"Ian"I said.

"Huh"he look at me.

"Baby, I wanted a family size house"

"This is a family size house"

"For what, 20 kids and counting"I semi yelled.

"Correction, it's 18 kids and counting"I slap his chest again. "Oww! Enough with the punching and slapping"we got out the car.

"So the Job paid for this"I said.

"Yeah you like it"Ian wrap his arms around me.

"Yes, it's alright"I smirk at him.

"Let's check out the rooms"he wink at me. I sigh walking with him.


"Baby" my girlfriend called my name.

"What"I said watching the game. The warriors was beating the cave which who is my favorite team. "Damn LeBron"I yelled.

"Babe, some people just move next door"Sasha said.

"How you know"I said not taking my eyes off the TV.

"Because the movers are here"she gave me this duh look. "Ima go say hi"

"Why, stay here"I did my puppy dog eyes.

"I'm being nice to my new neighbors now you coming with me or nah"she said.

"Fine, ima come"I pause the TV and grab my coat. We walk like a mile to these people house. "Bae ima kill your ass"

"Why"she look at me.

"Cause I just got out the damn shower"

"Well we gone take another one, together"I smile thinking about that. We made it to the house. It was a nice ass house too. Sasha knocked on the door. We waited for a few minutes till a woman came to answer it. My eyes went wide when we both looked at each other. I'm not saying I was falling in love but damn, I think I am.

My Neighbor {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now