Pace quickened, Lev's steps did the same, and he scanned his hand on the panel before the door and it beeped to reveal Serafina.

"Lev!" Her head was covered with a blue safety cap and her smock, colorful splotches. "I was just coming out to look for you!"

He pressed his lips together and lowered his eyebrows.

"Don't give me that look. Mom and Dad were worried about you. They got the message about you being injured or something at Higher Learning and were worried it was more serious than the message let on. It doesn't look like you're injured at all."

He moved his collar to reveal the bruises.

"Oh." Her eyes widened. "That's unfortunate. Does it hurt?"

He shrugged and moved past her and into the front room to look at the clock. He was only fifteen minutes after the ships left. Not enough to send a search party, namely in the form of his sister, to look for him despite the true rumors of him being injured. How many people knew about it?

"Good thing you came back though." The door slid shut with a poof of air. "They were ready to start calling people up to help look."

Lev took a deep breath in, turned to look at his sister, widened his eyes, and let it out with a shake of his head.

"I know. I dissuaded them from making that rash decision, so all thanks belong to your sister." Serafina grinned and looped her thumbs through the laces in her smock.

Lev tilted his head to the side and raised his eyebrows.

"Work was fine. Busy as usual. We had a large crowd around the lunch break. I guess people wanted to get some mods before their family left for the ships. We're always busiest ship week."

He nodded.

"Let's relieve the parental unit's mind." Serafina grinned and led the way towards the dining room.

"Serafina? Are you back already?" Mom's voice cut through the thin walls.


"Well, did you find him?" Dad's boomed through, not as cleanly.

Serafina stopped at the entrance to let Lev precede her.

"Lev!" Mom stood from where she'd been slumped at the end of the table. "Are you hurt?"

Serafina leaned back against the doorway. "He has a huge bruise. Hasn't said a word. Probably never will again."

"Serafina." Dad frowned and pointed at her. "You should clean up before dinner."

She breathed in deep and gave him a nod. "Will do."

"What happened, Lev?"

He moved his collar to show his parents the bruises.

"Oh no." Mom shook her head and sat back in her chair. "That won't do."

"Lighten up, Lisa. Lev will get over it."

"Do you see the bruise? That is not normal."

"Lev, go wash up."

Gladly. Anything to escape overhearing being talked about.

To the outer layer of the apartment, he went. Staircase, and up. He lived on the top. A little attic room for his reclusiveness. That's what Serafina always said growing up. Lev fell on the edge of his bed and stared at the lights lining the corners of his walls. He would start on them tonight before he forgot everything Lucca had taught him.

Intention Man (title in progress)Where stories live. Discover now