Generator 4 [Names]

35 4 19

The First Letter Of Your First Name(if you don't want to do your real one do your user)
A: Apple
B: Bumble
C: Crescent
D: Dappled
E: Echo
F: Fern
G: Gale
H: Herin
I: Lizard
J: Jitter
L: Lynx
M: Mouse
N: Night
O: Otter
P: Panther
Q: Quail
R: Root
S: Snake
T: Tree
U: Fog(couldn't find a U)
V: Dew(....)
W: Water
X: Poppy(.3.)
Y: Yew
Z: Juniper

Last Letter of your Last name(Or last letter of your username)
A: Whisker
B: Blaze
C: Claw
D: Dew
E: Ear
F: Fang
G: Breeze
H: Heart
I: Frost
J: Storm
K: Stripe
L: Gaze
M: Moss
N: Fur
O: Spark
P: Pool
Q: Flight
R: Rush
S: Sky
T: Tail
U: Fall
V: Flower
W: Wind
X: Song
Y: Frost
Z: Berry

[I'm Applefur ^-^ What'd you guys get? -Skittles]

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