"I mean it this time, Hannah."

She snorted at that threat as she continued to write. Frowning, I pushed an elbow onto the table and cupped my chin with my hand. I turned slightly, checking the classroom and everyone in it. I knew the names of all my classmates. In fact, I knew almost everyone in my year and most of the high school. Since East Private School was a combined primary and secondary school, I grew up with most of the kids that studied here.

East Private School was an elite school, just like Iris had described at the party. It was a school of remarkable fame that offered an integrated program of enrolment from its affiliated kindergarten to high school. It was also one of the most prestigious schools in the country, along with North High Academy which was situated in the same city. But unlike North High, East Private had a more relaxing atmosphere and was more pleasant and comfortable. Students also didn't have to wear uniforms and weren't obligated to perform well in both academics and sports, which the academy prided itself for.

Almost half of the students who studied here since kindergarten were all from rich families. But since enrollment was inexpensive and the admission standards relaxed, there were also students who came from middle to lower class households.

My eyes landed on Sophia again and for a moment, wondered what class her family belonged in. She was still reading her book, a small smile playing on her lips.

"And stop bullying the poor girl," I murmured, reminded of Hannah's earlier antics.

Hannah's head jerked up. "The poor girl?" she asked, confused. "You mean, Sophia?"


"I'm not bullying her," she denied vehemently. "I'm trying to befriend her."

"By pissing her off?"

She laughed and continued to copy my homework.

After a while, she said, "Don't you want to be friends with her?"


I stared at Sophia for a long while.

Then I said, "Hurry up and finish copying, Hannah. The teacher will be arriving soon."

Hannah clicked her tongue. "She seems nice, you know," she muttered.

Yeah, but was she filthy rich? I thought glumly. Will my family allow me to befriend her?

I kept my mouth shut instead.


"Is he still sleeping?" Skull asked in his ear.

John glanced at Leon, who was lying on the couch, watching a movie.

"No, he's awake," he answered.

"Aren't you guys going to come to school?"

John shifted his phone to his other ear and reached for a bottle of water in the fridge. "I'm trying to get him to go to school."

"Damn. Want me to come over?"

"Rohan's going to kick your ass if you will."

Skull chuckled. "No. He'll try to kick my ass. Have you been the receiving end of that kid's punch? It's like he's patting me."

"He's been attending martial arts classes though," he pointed out. "And Leon's also training him. It won't be long before he'll feel like getting hit by a ton of bricks."

"Then I'll look forward to having a fight with him," Skull said, his tone brimming in amusement.

John frowned and looked at Leon again. He hadn't moved. A familiar pain John always felt whenever he saw his best friend listless like this slashed through his gut. With a low exhale, he went to the couch and offered him the bottle of water. Leon took it and slowly sat up, uncapping the lid.

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