Chapter Eleven- Flower Crown Maker

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Ben woke up much later with Rey's arms around him , tracing a finger along his muscled arm.

"Rey?" He asked groggily turning slightly .

"Hey" she said .

He turned fully to look at her and blinked a couple times . There was a black thing covering his face . Was he still asleep .

Rey put her hand on his face and moved the black thing "it's your hair Ben" she said .

"Oh ... Right" he said .

"How you feelin ?" She asked sitting up and closing the blinds that were showing the bright sun that now was outside and had made the storm disappear.

"Okay ... Better rested " he said .

"Good ... " she then stood on her tip toes and stretched .

"Have you been up long?" He asked .

"No ... About two hours -"

"What were you doing while I was sleeping ?" He asked her cracking his knuckles .

"You seemed to sleep better with sometimes holding you ... So I held onto you ... I also braided parts of your hair" she said .

"Rey ... Thanks for that ... I really needed sleep -"

"Your welcome ... Don't you have class today?" She asked .

"Crap ... I do ... I better go and change or I'll be late I'll see you later ? At the spot around 4:30?"

"Yeah " she nodded and he hugged her and walked out.

Rey began to make her bed . She ran her hand down the place he had just laid .


Rey was sitting at their spot in the woods . You could hear the water from the river and could see it . The spot was shaded by trees and was surrounded by many flowers .

Rey grabbed some flowers , many bigger ones . When she was 11 Ben has planted much bigger flowers that were prettier for her birthday .

For her 12th birthday she was given a small basket , inside was tools for her crowns and wires used to make the crowns look much better .

When she turned 13 she Ben gave her a pair of magnifying glasses so she could get the stems closer to the metal .

Last year he had given her a  big box of fake silk flowers that was maybe 10 pounds . This way she could make flower crowns that would be able to wear more than maybe once .

She was sitting on a large blanket that they usually had out there and a box that was labeled flower crowns .

Inside was maybe enough fake silk flowers , beading as some little charms and jewels . As well as her glasses and tools to twists and bend the iron.

Many girls at the academy would pay for her crowns . They would wear them for parties and banquets.

She also made small hair clips as well. Ben knew of her little business and found it quite peaceful . She would be making a crown and he would be writing in his journal . He wanted to be a writer and illustrate his own books.

Rey had on her glasses and tools in her hand . She was currently using the measuring tape and her note book to figure out how wide this one had to be .

She was now swarmed since many girls where going to the graduation for Ben's class.

She used her little notebook to write down the colors and size of the customers head .

She was adding small blue flowers using the wires and ribbon she had.

Ben walked down with his bag in his hand . He saw her sitting there crisscross. Her glasses were at the tip of her nose and the light from the sun was shining on her .

Ben smiled at the beautiful sight of her . "Hey" he said taking a seat near her .

"Hey" she smiled and blew some of the hair out Of her face .

"Why don't you just wear your three buns like you used to ? It kept the hair out -"

"I guess I'll start doing that" Rey said as she grabbed a small pearl looking charm and began to attach it to the crown.

"How many have you made so far?" He asked opening his bag .

"Maybe 12 today ... I have another 5 for today " she said .

"Sounds good " he said and grabbed his sketch book and pencil. He began to draw her as she did her crowns.

"What do you think ?" She asked showing him the blue flower crown with pearls.

"It's nice " he smiled .

She smiled and then put it in a bag for the customer .

"Who was that for by the way ?" Ben asked .

"Jessa Taulor " Rey said and opened her notebook to check the size for the next one .

"Jessa Taulor ?" Ben asked "the girl who has a really obvious crush on me ?"

"Yeah ... She asked watch color you would be wearing... I said I have no clue ... Maybe blue ... Maybe orange -"

"But I hate orange" Ben said .

"I know but she looks good in it ... But she choose blue and pearls " Rey said grabbing a slim flower that was pink.

"Rey ? I was talking to Hux ... He said he's sorry ... "

"Well I'll only accept his apology whine he says it not you Ben .... Are you exited for your graduation?"

"Not really ... I'm gonna miss this place " he said .

"Oh ... But your gonna be a master in training here aren't you ?" Rey asked .

"I don't know ... My mom really wants me to join her at the government base ... She said it would be good for me ... I could be a general "

"General Solo ? Sounds good " she said .

"You aren't mad that I might leave ?" He asked .

"No ... You wanna go you go ... Just as long as you promise to come to my graduation with your wife and daughter Rey who you named after me ... And despite your wife having sisters I'm your daughter's favorite aunt" Rey said , truly she didn't want his married to someone else but if he was the least he could do was name his daughter after her .

"Yeah right ... I'll probably be single ... My mom will come though... She likes you"

"I know ... She bakes me cookies " Rey smiled and added some fake pink diamonds .

Ben looked down at his drawing and smiled , she looked so real , so beautiful just like Rey.

I hope you liked this chapter ! Kinda fluffy ! Don't worry some drama might becoming soon ! Also I'm getting two new cats ... I have five already but I'm getting two new girls ... So seven cats ... And yes three of the cats are kittens from Pasta ( who we thought was a boy but is a girl ) and Mario .

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