THE LIAR - Chapter 19 Corporations

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If the liar was given the power to build a secret weapon, what do you think it would look like?

Well, firstly how could we stop the liar building a secret weapon, given that it has total control of our minds? And why would we think it hasn’t done so already? It has built a few unconcealed and very despicable weapons in the last hundred years, notably the atomic bomb, but what might it have done surreptitiously without us noticing? Don’t ever be fooled into thinking the liar is stupid because it is dishonest. Its dishonesty knows no bounds and if it has already managed to invent the serial killer, child killer, paedophile and an ability to justify genocide, what more could it be doing that we’ve missed? It’s a scary thought and we must examine it.

Any secret weapon in the liar’s arsenal would have to be autonomous, monstrous and completely irresponsible. It would have to have every power at its disposal for maintaining, reconfirming and extending the belief in the separateness, inequality and meaninglessness of all life, but this weapon must never be able to be brought into question. The liar’s secret weapon must be utterly unimpeachable. Whatever this Frankenstein monster looks like, its sole goal must be gain for itself over all other considerations.

And look. It’s happened already; we have constructed and let loose corporations, the most dastardly projection ever brought into being under the liar’s behest. They even take their name from its most favourite separating label, the body. Mary Shelley’s vision was of the future, and even though the monster in her book was a single humanoid body with a limited range of effects, the projection of her idea into the group mind of the species is founded on exactly the same underlying principles. This is as far as it has got for the liar and it must be very pleased with itself indeed. Corporations are the liar’s Frankenstein monster, with the inherent ability to destroy their own maker. It has been working very hard at this, day and night, right under our noses, without us having a clue about what is really going on.

For those of us not familiar with Latin and the origins of words the English word ‘corporation’ comes from the Latin corporare meaning ‘to embody’. In some languages the word for body maintains this root; cuerpo in Spanish, corps in French, corpo in Portuguese, etc. We believe the body to be the thing that we are; autonomous, existing on its own, helpless and vulnerable against other bodies, in which our thoughts are just a random and haphazard chance meeting of the correct sort of molecules. We are certainly not responsible for this lucky accident, but even so we believe this body has the power to run its own life, to make its own decisions and to control the world. At the same as time we are running our own personal universes, we find ourselves alone and suffering, awaiting certain death and the total annihilation that will come sooner or later, without doubt. Under these shackles we do our best to survive by fighting the other bodies, winning and losing, never doubting for one moment that our own single self is the one superior, sole ruler of the universe, whilst not managing to avoid being utterly inferior at the same time. These wholly mistaken, absurd yet unquestionable ideas have quite naturally been projected outwards into the world and have now taken form in the idea of the corporation. The naming is no accident.

The corporation exists on its own, built from a random and haphazard meeting of the correct sort of bodies arising from the collection of physical conglomerations it has at its disposal. It is not responsible for its own formation but it believes it is running itself and the world around it. It exists alone and vulnerable against others like it, yet, unlike the bodies doing its bidding, it seems to be able to avoid death somewhat. This is what we have forged thanks to the liar in our minds, because even though we are in error about everything we have not been able to arrest our creative function and whatever we think comes into being. We are not wholly unaware of the truth of ourselves either, the essence of us which never changes over time, even though we must deny it ferociously to support the belief in life’s temporal and pointless nature. However, we would like to be eternal and feel we deserve to be, not realising that we are already. The behaviour of the corporation reflects our eternal state of which we are aware at some deep level, and solves the problem of death a little bit. But this solution to death is formed strictly under the liar’s rules and regulations and so is, of course, no solution at all. It is instead a fearful projection of the erroneous misinterpretation of the idea of power, the belief that power is defined by the capacity to destroy everything else in existence. This is the ultimate proof of the victory and winning state of the separate, that which we are all desperate to attain.

THE LIAR - Chapter 19 CorporationsWhere stories live. Discover now