friends and ditching

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At first, Harry was quite irritated that he was partnered with Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini. And he was sure that his body had shown it, he clearly opposed being with them.

Draco knew that as well, but after a while he was starting to believe that the boy just opposed being with him.

Because before he could even comprehend what was happening, the git began talking to Blaise without restraint. As if they were comrades who crossed paths after a very long time. The two of them were chatting about the weather, the last Quidditch game of the Harpies against the Bats and even argued peacefully - peacefully!- on the difference between powdered moonstone and coarsely crushed moonstone for the potion that they would be brewing - since the Gryffindor insist that they use coarse moonstone than the indicated powdered from the book as it stimulates a long-lasting effect of emotional balance for the drinker and as well as balance between the ingredients to give out their supposed purposes for the potion.

And even though it was hard to admit for Draco, Potter was right.

"Fine - Potions Master Potter- coarsely crushed moonstone then." Blaise sighed exasperatedly. Potter grinned at this before he continued soaking the stalks of knotgrass in the bowl of vinegar. Draco rolled his eyes and got back to peeling the shrivelfig, then tried to ignore the two while they engaged in another conversation about the new broomstick that was being sold at Quality Quidditch Supplies named Aero 31.

"Uh- Potter? Are you sure about using coarse moonstone?" Blaise asked at the end of their Quidditch discourse as he was about to put the ingredient on the cauldron, emphasizing every word to him as if talking to a child.

Well, Potter is a child.

Draco looked up to watch them and saw him nodding, seeming to take no note of Blaise's manner of speaking, "For the hundredth time, yes."

"But - are you really sure? Besides, how did you know about all this-"

"Because I wrote about them, Zabini."

"Why the hell are you writing about moonstones?"

"Zabini, for goodness sake, just pour the ingredient. Trust me."

This statement made the other Slytherin raise his eyebrow at the boy, who in turn saw that and copied the action back at him, "Why would Blaise trust you?"

"Because I am telling the truth and I am sure that you, Malfoy, know that I am."

"What if I say otherwise?"

"Then you are an idiot."

"Well - how dare you, Potter!?"

"Would you two shut up!?" Blaise glared at us and placed the mortar of crushed moonstone with a loud thud on the table. "I just wanted to be sure. You two" He said while jabbing the pestle in front of our faces, "don't have to twist your knickers about it."

He huffed and pushed the peeled shrivelfig away before turning his attention to the roses that needed their petals separated from its head.

How he wished that he was plucking Potter's head from his neck instead.

Transfiguration was worse though.

How he wished Potter was his partner for once so that he can turn him into a fat toad without any reason for him to get reprimanded.

Since Weasley was absent due to Head Boy duties, Zabini and Potter's blooming friendliness seemed to have increased then. Granger does not mind the interaction, which was surprising. She just sends them a laugh whenever she sees them. Not once have Draco saw either of them have their body parts apart from each other during the class, and the witch must have noticed it as well but instead of feeling spiteful of it - she found it funny. It was either Zabini was teaching Potter the proper waving of his wand with his arms wrapped around the boy's body, or Potter elbowing Zabini because of something he said, or Zabini poking Potter on his sides, it was ghastly!

"Disturbing." Draco mumbled from his side of the room, his arms crossed on his chest. His partner caught his annoyance because he mumbled back a curt, "I know, right."

This made the Slytherin turn to look at his own Gryffindor partner and gave him an irritated look, "What is it to you, Longbottom?"

"What is it to you, Malfoy?" He sneered. "You have been looking at Harry and Bl-Zabini ever since we became partners, would you at least pay attention to the task at hand or better will you just walk up to them and at least relieve yourself of your problem?"

Without further ado, Draco cast the spell towards him and gasps echoed across the room coming from the people standing close to them, looking at the place from where Longbottom used to stand now occupied by a big fat toad. He shrugged and looked at McGonagall expectantly who nodded and told him to turn the toad back to Longbottom's real figure. It seems that having to participate the war gave the wuss Gryffindor the bravery to talk back and fend for himself. He seems to act more like a Gryffindor.

Horrifying. Draco mused. The world must be upside-down now.

"But you seem to be yourself more, Longbottom. Just like that." He whispered to the toad with his irritation to the wizarding world ever growing before casting the counter-spell.

"Git." Neville snapped at him while he composed himself.

"I know, Longbottom. I know." The Slytherin drawled back before walking out of the classroom, still irked by Blaise and Potter and Longbottom and McGonagall and Slughorn. Damn them all, he thought.

Nevertheless, then and there, he accepted that he wouldn't be surprised if Potter and him actually have the same schedule of courses and he will be seeing more of the Boy who Lived Twice judging by his classes, since Eight Years are sorted in accordance to their career plans - and then damn his friend Blaise for putting a putrid thought in his mind, insisting that he was gay for Potter when in fact it was him who was madly gay for the Gryffindork.


Speaking of the devil.

Acting as if he did not hear his friend despite his loud voice, Draco bristly walked down the stairs to the Great Hall for lunch. Rushing then as he heard a several "get out of my way" and calls of his name until the footsteps came closer to the blonde boy.

"Draco," He breathed as he walked at Draco's pace. "You. Merlin, you actually tried to avoid me."

"What? I didn't." He muttered in sarcasm, earning another eye roll from Blaise. "If this is about Potter again and me being bent, I will not hesitate to bend your prick."

Blaise laughed loudly catching some intense glares from the other students passing by. "It's not. I was just going to ask if you would like to ditch the rest of the afternoon classes and visit Hogsmeade to get someone to shag."

"Shag yourself, Zabini. I'm annoyed right now, go away."

He grumbled and sighed before bidding Draco goodbye and wished for him to suffer while he was gone having fun. It made Draco shake his head in exhaustion before proceeding his journey towards the Great Hall while wondering once more about what happened in Potions and Transfiguration.

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