I don't know him...I hate him...and I have to get married to him?! Chapter 14

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Hey guys. The story is almost done, I don't think there will be a sequel. I think there will be about three more chapters, I'm going to update one more after this and then again tomorrow.

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xoxo Natasha <3

Chapter 12

Everyone is Dominic's family, except the women, had come to love me. They said they liked my easy going manner and occasional shyness. The children especially, like me. I had always been good with kids, I used to work part time at a daycare. The teenagers and ones Dominic's age liked me but, I didn't really talk with them as much as I did with the kids.

I was at a near by park, playing with the kids.

I had Owen, the youngest at only two, on my lap and Jenny, who was five and seemingly very attached to me, sitting beside me, helping me to make Owen go to sleep. Shanna and Corey came up to us, they both seemed angry. They were twins and eight.

"Savvy," Shanna whined. "Corey pushed me off the monkey bars and then laughed."

"I did not." Corey retorted.

"Corey?" I reprimanded. "I saw from over here, you did. But, I could tell it was an accident. Say your sorry, ok?"

"Ok, I'm sorry Shanna." he apologized looking down.

Shanna hugged him. "It's ok Corey."

I wish my relationship had been like that with Brady sooner.

"Ok, guys. Tell everyone that it's time to go home." they groaned. "Oh, come on. Don't make this hard again! It took like half an hour to get you all back home last time. And don't give me that face, you know it's true...how about, if you guys all come here in the next...three minutes, I'll get everyone ice-cream?"

They ran off, it was so much easier to get children to co-operate with the promise of sweets.

We entered the ice-cream parlor, everyone was looking at me. I know it must have been strange, a young woman walking in with five kids and a baby, not the greatest impression.


"Before we order, is anyone lactose intolerant?" they all gave me questioning looks. I laughed. "Can anyone not have ice-cream because of what's in it?"

"I can't, mommy said that I was allergic to some of the things in ice-cream." Jamie spoke up, I had noticed he had been reluctant to come, when Shanna and Corey had said we were getting ice-cream.

"It's ok. They might have alternative ice-cream, and if not, you can get something else, ok?"

He nodded vigorously.

"Hello, welcome to Ivy's Ice-cream. How can I help you today?"

"Hello, I was wondering if you had ice-cream made with soy milk or rice milk?"

"Yes, we do. And they come in all the regular flavors."

"Ok Jamie, they have it. What kind of ice-cream do you guys want?" they all started shouting at once. "Woah, one at a time ok?"

Once we got our ice-creams, I was sharing with Owen, we started to walk back home.

When we got home, people were in the living room. Shouting.

"Um, how about you guys go play outside? Casey, can you take Owen, and watch over him until I come out?" everyone nodded, and Casey came over and took Owen from me. Casey as the oldest at eleven, was in charge of everyone, for the time being.

I waited until the children had gone outside, and then walked into the living room.

Nora was shouting at Marcus and Ginger. Dominic, who was trying to get a word in, looked furious.

I don't know him...I hate him...and I have to get married to him?!Where stories live. Discover now