I don't know him...I hate him...and I have to get married to him?! 05

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Two update in one day, I think that's pretty good.

Remember to Vote!

xoxo Natasha

Chapter 5

~3rd person POV~

I had the LA times in my hands, it was on the age that announced Savanna Markson and Dominic Hampton's engagement, hoping that it was actually true, that my daughter was here. The daughter I never knew because the girls mother had never told me.

I was just about to knock on the door when she opened the door, glaring.

"Who are you and what the hell do you want?" she spit at me.

I was taken aback, surely this wasn't how she normally answered the door?

"I'm your father," I told her. " and I want to talk to you."

She stared at me, and then collapsed.

People came running to the door when they heard her drop to the floor. Two people had stopped where they were, I looked up and saw the one person I hadn't seen in eighteen years, Mandy Markson.

A brunette lady had told her husband to call the ambulance, as her husband went a young man and young lady came down the stairs. The young man, who I had guessed was Dominic, looked very shocked when he came down and saw Savanna on the floor, but the young lady looked as if she could have cared less.

"What are you doing here, Colin?" Mandy asked me as we waited in the hospital, to hear what the doctors verdict was on Savanna.

"I came to see my daughter. You know, the one you never told me about?" I sneered.

She had pulled me aside when we got to the hospital. The rest of the company had no idea why I had come with them, I had decided that it was none of their business.

"How did you know?" she asked me after a minutes silence.

"The LA times had announced the engagement of Savanna and Dominic. I had only picked it up because the girl in the picture, though had your last name, didn't really look like you and John's child, but mine and yours. She has my eye shape and my hair color, my face structure." I told her.

~Dominic's POV~

I sat in the hospital room by Savanna's side.

I had ran down the stairs after what I had said to her, Amalee had tried to stop me, get me to go back into bed with her, but I told her no. As I had ran down the stairs I heard and saw her talking to a man who looked like her, and then she collapsed.

What is wrong with me? I told myself that I would change, but I haven't. I'm still the same ass that I was when she came here is August.

Knock knock

I looked up and saw the doctor standing in the door way.

"You are Miss. Markson's fiancé. Correct?" Doctor Edson asked me.

I nodded. "Yes, I'm Dominic Hampton."

"Well, I got the test results back and your fiancé collapsed because of stress, lack of sleep, and malnutrition. Do you know if anything has happened in the last few months to make this happen?"

I tried to think. I had noticed that she was starting to look too thin, I mean she was skinny before but now it seemed like she was just getting tinier.

"Well, I think it might have something to do with the wedding and our families flew two weeks ago." I told him.

"Ok. How old is she, Mr. Hampton?"

I don't know him...I hate him...and I have to get married to him?!Where stories live. Discover now